How to Change Eating Habits with Mindful Eating

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24 replies
  1. Cat Watts
    Cat Watts says:

    Great video, I would definitely watch more mindfulness content. The "should" alarm is very good advice that is also offered for grief counseling in that judging your emotions makes you more mired in them. Stands to reason it would be similar with food relationships. Brb gonna go eat a raisin 😁

  2. Kathy Johnson
    Kathy Johnson says:

    I’m actually a Noom member and I love it!! I started it because I wanted to change my relationship with food and get off the yo-yo diets that can happen. I wanted to learn good habits and make it sustainable. I highly recommend it if you are looking for a life change!!

  3. prettiestpigeon
    prettiestpigeon says:

    Alyssia this was such an interesting video & really timely for me! I was thinking about the idea of mindful eating recently during breakfast while scrolling thru my phone, a newer habit I re-developed when I started a new job. I'm definitely going to have to get back into the practice of eating more mindfully. Also your hair looks amazing in this video!

  4. Laila
    Laila says:

    I love mindful eating when it comes to intuitive eating. I recommend checking out the health at every size and intuitive eating movement. Although Noom is promoting “mindful eating” it is still a diet program, and still ultimately promotes weight loss. 🙁

  5. Jesmond Mifsud
    Jesmond Mifsud says:

    Mindfulness has truly transformed my life. 2 years ago I was an obese, virgin, anxious recluse with no friends, no social life, a job that I hated, and deeply in the Closet. At 33 I finally hit rock bottom and I suffered a mental breakdown. I finally got help from a psychologist, who told me about mindfulness. I made it a daily habit to practice being in the moment. Slowly but surely, I started seeing myself for the first time. I understood the things that triggered my anxieties, I faced my fears and I started making friends. I finally had the courage to come out. I changed my job, I bought a house, I experienced dating and relationships for the first time. My calendar is filled with social activities. Anxiety is no longer part of my life. I still sometimes get anxious thoughts, but they are now fleeting, they don't control me, I know how to control them.
    My biggest hurdle to overcome was over eating. I love junk food, I ate it daily and I was very overweight. A few months ago I decided to apply mindfulness to my eating habits, and that's when I finally got hold of my food addiction. I have lost 20 pounds so far. I'm still overweight at the moment, but at least I'm not obese any more, and the level of motivation that I'm feeling makes me hopeful that this time I'm going to lose all the weight.
    Try mindfulness if you want to turn your life around. It really and truly helped me in more ways than one.

  6. itsme v
    itsme v says:

    This video is so so good !
    I have a very unhealthy relationship with food due to my yo yo diets and emotional eating. I eat when I get super anxious . I have been trying to more mindful as I don't want my kids to be like me. We try not to use gadgets at meals. But yes I did but of distraction feeding for my toddler to make him eat more.
    I really love your channel. Thanks for this video.

  7. Donna W
    Donna W says:

    I have done the raisin exercise as part of a workbook on mindfulness and my reactions were very similar to yours. I also remember the first time I practiced mindfulness while eating a meal, another exercise in the workbook, and I was surprised at how full I was after only eating about a third of my standard Saturday lunch. Very eye-opening about how much more I eat while reading.

  8. Samantha Garner
    Samantha Garner says:

    This week I was feeling very frustrated with my eating habits and constantly feeling hungry etc. This video helped me think about other components of what I'm eating etc and I'm excited to try some of these exercises next week!

  9. Franky Xu
    Franky Xu says:

    I just stopped ketogenic diet last 2 week, and i notice my mental got very tense, i feel several strike from eating guilt, and very super judgemental with high carb food, i feel stressed out, and feel very sad, like last night is my birthday, and i cant hold myself to finish a piece of that sweet savoury cheese cake, but, after that i feel very guilty even i try to throw it out but unsuccess, and i go to sleep with an anger to my self about why i let myself eat that sweet cheese cake at 00:30 in the midnight? I really hate myself about it… Trying to forgive myself but it's so hard… And i realize i come to this corner of the pre eating disorder state… But i still dont want to eat those carb, i hate those carb will come back to ruin my hard work of losing my body weight, i love sweet food, but not like i should eat it in the midnight and go to sleep and the next morning all those fermented carb causing the morning hunger like i wanna hate myself more… Sad… But i had to get over this phrase and try a way to get back to myself..

  10. Michelle Z
    Michelle Z says:

    I try to listen to my body more when I’m feeling full. Usually at a restaurant or if someone has cooked for me I tend to want to finish the food to the point where I feel bloated or have a belly ache after. I stop when I feel full and I can always take a bag to go! Basically two meals for one!

  11. leppardess
    leppardess says:

    Once again, thank you for sharing something that I desperately need in my life. Even though I have made some positive strides, the journey is far from over. I've never had a happy relationship with food and mindful eating is one thing that I do need and you're right, it's more than what you eat, it's also about where you eat, how you eat and how you feel when you eat. Thank you for "shining the light" to show another, healthier way.

  12. Davida Hand Craft Soap
    Davida Hand Craft Soap says:

    If I found time to sit down and eat a meal with no distraction I would chuck it and take a nap. My life moves at me a hundred miles an hour. Luckily I can always turn it off and have a good night sleep. When I think of mindfulness I think of mindless lol. This is great information I appreciate you taking the time to share. Thank you.


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