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We usually think about fermentation in the short term, a few weeks, maybe even a few months, but today Carolyn shares tips on …

34 replies
  1. Valarie Ogle
    Valarie Ogle says:

    I just noticed that youā€™re in north Idaho. My husband grew up in the Wallace/Osborn/Kellog area. Both of his parents were born there. Although heā€™s been away from there for many years we still visit frequently. Iā€™ve just recently stumbled onto your site and am enjoying it!

  2. A1lover 1000
    A1lover 1000 says:

    I have 5acres and haven't started my Homestead yet, but I'm scared… it's just me, no beautiful dependable woman. Neighbors are too close to store things on my property without them knowing and being constantly on the road.
    So everything I'd want to begin with I cannot stock pile the supplies. Hopefully I can absorb all the education many of you are sharing.

  3. Melissa Hill
    Melissa Hill says:

    If the veggies are abit too salty for the pellet, can they be rinsed off with water before eating or cooking? Wondering if the health benefits would be poured down the drain.
    Also can the leftover brine be used for anything? Animals?

  4. Vivian
    Vivian says:

    I have not done long term fermentation…and now I am not sure about something:
    So I can't take the weight off/out of my fermentation vessel before locking down the lid??

  5. linda chandler
    linda chandler says:

    I canned up some blackberry and grape juice. And it is finally getting warm enough to keep my ginger bug going for my soda pop; my house temperature is very inconsistent in cold weather.

  6. Faith and Life of Metzler
    Faith and Life of Metzler says:

    This is exactly what I needed to know. I watched an old video of yours putting whole tomatoes in brine to preserve and was so excited. I can't afford a pressure canner right now and can't find one used. So trying to find more methods between water bath canning, fermenting, freezing and maybe dehydrating.

  7. Simply Backwoods
    Simply Backwoods says:

    Glad to catch up and watch on fermenting for long term and hope to get the magazine soon. I'll also watch the chat more in depth on fermenting. Definitely look forward to fermenting more this year.

  8. Ann Nelson
    Ann Nelson says:

    I am caring for my seedlings, checking my plants from winter sowing, learning how to grow flowers, and preparing for Easter! I am watching all the gardening and homesteading videos I can to learn more and more! Love your channel and love the comments from all of your followers. ā¤

  9. Rebecca Shafer
    Rebecca Shafer says:

    I have to agree with several others that I love the chit chat part! I've been so blessed to find a couple other like-minded ladies in my community who are in different stages of homesteading with whom I'm building community. We're learning from each other (me more from them) how to manage this thing we call homesteading and sharing things like eggs, herbs, knowledge, and fellowship. I'll be attempting a no-till garden this year after a year gardening sabbatical using some of the principles I've seen from you guys as well as Charles Dowding. If the wind would slow down here in Nebraska, I'd be able to get my onions, peas, and potatoes in. I'm planning to add a few more raspberry bushes and grape vines as well as adding to my asparagus patch this year. I already have garlic sprouts coming up which is so exciting since I've never planted garlic before!

  10. Ruth McBride
    Ruth McBride says:

    Just want to let you know. We love all your recipes that we have tried. Bread, pressure canning meals, fermented lemon chicken, ginger carrots. Cheese.
    Iā€™m just so impressed. The breakfasts
    I think I want to try a salsa ferment. Have you ever heard of such a thing?
    We are excited to be able to process and store more food this year than we ever have before. Thank you for sharing your experiences and recipes. The whole membership is so worthwhile. Just not feeling alone in this process is helpful
    Canā€™t thank you enough

  11. Betsy Hill
    Betsy Hill says:

    What do they taste like?! And do you cook with them after or eat them like pickles? Thank you for everything you teach me! I implement every week:) Canā€™t wait to see if I can grow enough broccoli for the whole fam for the whole year! Planned on mainly deep freezing but now, fermented broccoli? So curious what it will taste like!

  12. Sar Ra
    Sar Ra says:

    EXPLODING GLASS JAR QUESTION šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I have an issue with jars exploding while fermentingā€¦ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜… it was when I put a lid on tight and not weighted down with room for gases to escape. When is it safe to ā€œlockdownā€ your jars? After the active period I think you said, when the bubbles stop? Maybe 4 days +/-?


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