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20 replies
  1. Nancy Greer
    Nancy Greer says:

    Echoing other people's comments – it was great watching & listening to two of my favorite vegan influencers! You both share a great sense of humor too, which I greatly enjoy and appreciate.

  2. ID
    ID says:

    Love your podcasts! Here is an example of raw vegan who ran 366 marathons around Australia after dx of late stage cancer: Janette Murray Wakelin. She did it with her husband. Another raw vegan is still running: Ruth Heidrige. She was diagnosed with terminal breast cancer. She started with McDougal’s diet and then went raw. I believe she is in her 80’s now. I’ve been vegan for 17 years, SOS free. I love starch but consume about 60% fruit and the rest is starch, greens, other veggies, and some legumes. Not sure if I can be totally raw.
    Always looking forward to more videos from you, guys!!! 👍🙏♥️🌱🤗

  3. kenny D
    kenny D says:

    I'm surprised nothing said about organic rice and potatoes, both of which are heavily sprayed with bad chemicals. I believe theres no need to worry about arsenic if the rice is organic, correct me if I'm wrong on that. Potatoes are on the dirty dozen list as well, buy organic, they are not that expensive, I get them for about $1.30 a pound.

  4. small footprint
    small footprint says:

    Just a comment on raw. When I decided to adopt this plan for weight loss, I was already plant based/on and off dairy. Sick and probably 100 lbs overweight. I bought a vitamix, joined a farmers market thingy where I got a box of vegis every week, and bought some. I put everthing in those smoothies. Got ideas from YouTube like whole peppers, ginger, chia seeds, lemons, lots of greens, apples, etc. I just drank on them all day. After losing abt 80 lbs, I've been on the McDougall Plan, and have been going through a few years of getting used to seeing myself in a new way. Now, I'm ready to lose the rest. I'm not sure what the right weight is, so I'm happy the way I am if I don't lose much more. So what I did as "raw" was raw smoothies. Not sure if it was the best thing to do, but it got the weight off. I think it's not sustainable but I fell right into The Starch Solution. Love seeing Mic The vegan. More great ideas. I'll check out his channel.

  5. Happily Vegan Since 2000
    Happily Vegan Since 2000 says:

    What a nice surprise, one of the YouTubers I discovered first when I started watching YouTube, much before I discovered Chef AJ., and he quickly become a favourite. I watch and enjoy practically all his videos. I check out all the Chef AJ videos, watch many of them live, but since they are long I don't watch each one right through though of course many I do, and like and enjoy.

    Well, this one wasn't really about leptin, or, not only about it – but that worked out well enough I think, as the wide ranging subjects were good and made for a very pleasant video. I think your questions about several subjects were well selected, thanks. So many interesting points touched upon.

    Incidentally, there are arsenic maps, online too: I saw some of my country, India, which is useful since it is somewhat large and geographically diverse. It seems that north west India and Pakistan have low arsenic levels in the soil and water: I've often heard the basmati rice grown there is low arsenic. Some other places in India like West Bengal and also Bangladesh are high in arsenic.

    Dates, interestingly: though I've been vegan since 22 years and no sugar for many years, always found dates too sweet and never liked them – suddenlly I've developed a fondness for them, and having watched Dr. Greger's video on them which sort of sums up that they are quite safe now I eat quite a few every day, always have at least three varieties around. Surprising.

    Well, thanks again for your videos; amazing to come out with them every day, with plenty to interest and inform.


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