How I've LOST (over) 10lbs in (less than) 2 months #WellnessWednesday

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Timestamps: 0:00 A Freddie Greeting 1:18 Weigh-in 2:01 Rosacea Update 3:22 How I’ve lost 10lbs in the last 2 months Shoutout to Kelly Hogan from …

41 replies
    COOL ROY says:

    Low fat and low carb is the quickest way to lose weight. It's a good thing that you don't do it every day because it's not at all healthy in the long run but it's surely better than a high carb junk food diet .
    Before I knew this I was on a low carb low fat diet and I was losing almost 10 lbs a week then I got a hernia and that was that .

    COOL ROY says:

    When you're losing massive amounts of fat it can cause your liver to heat up.and this will show up as redness mostly on your face or upper arms .
    The herb Heal All is said to help cool the liver and relieve symptoms of tension like headaches and light sensitivity.
    A cooler liver can also help you sleep better .

  3. waterstreeter
    waterstreeter says:

    I don't know if this would be helpful or not with your health and/or diet, but I know someone who worked for a Chiropractor many years ago and he had a computerized test that was called the Computron that tells you everything that you're allergic to and my friend suffered from migraines and she learned from that she was allergic to things she didn't even know she was and it helped her migraines. I know you don't have those, but maybe some of the issues you've had in the past might be related to something like that. I'll guess that where you guys are there is someone who does that test but it's just a thought! As to weight, I don't have a scale but I do wish I was 100 lbs. lighter, that's for sure! Best wishes to all of you including the dogs and cats! Take care!

  4. Kelly Enlow
    Kelly Enlow says:

    I fell out of my chair the first time I read the title, I thought it said 100lbs O.o, that's how much I NEED to loose. Wouldn't be anything left of you. Good job on the wait loss.

  5. Kathy
    Kathy says:

    I dont know what video I saw a few years ago, but there was a young man who had horrendous acne. He gave up dairy and in 30 days he had no more acne. It was miraculous! Theres something they are giving the cows that messes up skin/inflammation. Good job!

  6. Karen Hoff
    Karen Hoff says:

    Nili that’s great on the weight loss. What a happy feeling stepping on the scale and whoosh 2 # gone.
    I made the big loaf of bread today. Ordered your big loaf pan. Used the TJ allulose and whole egg powder. Color was great, size great but the bottom half of the bread was a yellow color. And the texture had the little holes but the texture was drier like the old bread. I used 20 grams of the whole egg powder. My first loaf with the whole egg powder the texture was bread like. I did cook it 40 mins. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  7. Roni P
    Roni P says:

    Congratulations! Being able to follow a diet that makes weight loss effortless and not feeling deprived is invaluable. 👍
    Love you egg white bread experiments, too. I'll be trying one with whole egg powder this weekend. 😊

  8. lisa gentry
    lisa gentry says:

    Yes Indigo! I had to drop from 3 days to 2 days of Super lean because I kept melting fat with 3 days. I’m feasting like a Queen around 2000 cal a day on feast days and around 1000 on lean days. I’m easily maintaining and enjoying the food choices. Chicken I’m even enjoying the protein yolk bread on lean and feast days and it’s working fine because I don’t mind my fats being around 40ish on lean days. 🧡🙏🏽🧡🙏🏽🧡

  9. Connie Reeves
    Connie Reeves says:

    You are by far my favorite keto guru! So genuine and down to earth. I may have missed it in your previous video but I was wondering what are your macros for your lean day, particularly the fat. Thanks for the great content!

  10. Gisella T
    Gisella T says:

    Hi! I’m a new subscriber and found you because of Ketogenic Woman. Congrats on your weight loss. I lost 16lbs on keto, kept it off for 2 years and gained back 20 this year. It’s been so tough to get it off. I love how you are not restricting calories and eating to hunger. I tried strict carnivore but found I was probably consuming too much fat. I tried PSMF days but as you mentioned, it’s just too low for me. I am going to try this approach of doing lean days and just keeping an eye on fat and not protein or calories. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  11. xaj154
    xaj154 says:

    I can’t help thinking that people just think about this way too
    much. I am an older, (60’s) male and have been on keto for just over
    3 months and I have lost 12 kg, (26.5 lbs). All I worry about is carbs,
    low enough to stay in ketosis, I don’t count calories or fat and have
    as much dairy as I want. That’s why I don’t understand when you
    said you were on keto and didn’t lose weight, were you in ketosis?
    I don’t worry about ketovore or carnivore and I do eat a lot of
    steamed vegetables, (non starchy). Because cravings and
    appetite diminish on keto I find that those other things take care
    of themselves. As someone who has had long standing serious
    health issues before It is more evident to me what is changing in
    my body. I have (had?) type two diabetes and I have decreased
    my insulin by 75% in that 3 months and I am now wondering
    whether I need any at all. My urine flow and bladder control has
    improved markedly, and kidney function has improved.
    The thing that probably struck me the most because it was so
    obvious, was sleep. I had terrible sleep patterns before and I
    felt there was nothing I could do about it, I would sleep 2
    hours, be awake the rest of the night and then dose intermittently
    through the day. During this 3 months on keto my sleep habits
    have incredibly just fallen into place and I now sleep 8 hours and
    only wake up once during the night! My blood pressure has also
    stabilised. Having said all that I am now investing in all the things
    necessary to make your egg white bread which looks really good.
    I know you are going on to more success at what you do, because
    you have the right level of efficiency together with the perfect
    personality to make these videos. All the best.

  12. 4GreenFrog
    4GreenFrog says:

    I tried stevia and it was the only new input to my diet. I hurt for almost 2 weeks in my joint and muscles. I later tried monkfruit with the same results. I avoid both of them.

  13. K M
    K M says:

    Yes, seeing meal plans would be great whether it be on a white board or journal type. Great job on the weight loss!! Glad you found what works for you. So, the Eggylicious is made by Pride of India. Did you see on their website you can buy the 16 oz for $16.99 but better yet is to buy via subscribe & save on their site for $12.74 versus $19.99 on Amazon?


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