How is my WEIGHT LOSS Going? Feb. 2020

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howamilosingweight #weightloss2020 #myweightloss2020 How is my weight loss journey going? Weekly check in. My weight loss story.

48 replies
  1. kiewee superfan
    kiewee superfan says:

    Something else I have been doing instead of getting on the scale frequently,is I buy a pair of one size smaller jeans.When I can fit into those I buy the next size down from that. So instead of looking at lbs lost at times, it makes me feel better that I have gone down a size and it gives me motivation to fit into the next size.

  2. kiewee superfan
    kiewee superfan says:

    First of all love you and your videos,you are helping so many and we all got this! Something I have started doing, Is I do not tell myself I am on a diet just that I am cooking healthier. Instead I have been shopping in only produce section lots of fruits and vegies and plant based items, fish,beans,lentils. I do not go to any other isles in the grocery store so I am not tempted. I have started being creative in meals I can make with them and finding a lot of medditeranian dishes work for these. We just need to make even small changes each day and we will get there. Hugs!

  3. Suzie D.
    Suzie D. says:

    You go girl;;;;;….I follow a vegan You Tuber FULLY RAW CHRISTINA don't be intimidated by her beauty….. lol she has the weirdest crazy good recipes …. I'll bet there are some new ways to eat the RAW veggies that you already like….

  4. Jennifer Webster
    Jennifer Webster says:

    Yes I do not eat enough veggies so I try to blend them and drink them (in a smooth liquidy version, not chunky). Understand the cooked v uncooked issue, it is real. Love the energy!

  5. Under my mask
    Under my mask says:

    I am just the same with veggies.. I sooooo dislike them cooked, I love them raw 😊 And it is healthier that way as well, you get all of the good stuff with it instead of it being drained off in hot water or similar. So keep eating your raw stuff, I have a salad once a day 💖💕

  6. Cathy P in AZ
    Cathy P in AZ says:

    Fabby!!! Oh so proud of you for staying the course and charting new ones! 🥳 Once you get your groove, there will be no stopping you. Onward and upward, right?! 🤩 You are coming to Phoenix in April?? I would be happy to treat you to lunch or dinner if scheduling allows while you are here! Fabby Meet & Greet would be a blast!!! 😉😃

  7. cincingr
    cincingr says:

    Yes! Got the junk out if the house & taking care of yourself! If your like me when I have a craving I am usually not willing to get out of the house to satisfy it. Plus I live out in the country so that helps too! 😊 Yeah lets see that food haul! Now on to a successful week!

  8. Kelly Chettle
    Kelly Chettle says:

    Scale obsession is an issue – I fell into that hole – now I try hard not to step on until I know i have gained weight (pants are tighter) – Hot carrots were an issue for me but I found that if you don't boil the crap out of them they taste ok also I find cooked baby carrots are better than normal carrots.

  9. shinystar 1
    shinystar 1 says:

    1. girl, eat your veggies raw if that’s how you like them. get creative with your dressings (asian, texmex, indian, greek)
    2. with the scale, if you weigh yourself anymore than once a week (the same time), you will be seeing so much fluctuating up and down of water based on sodium, exercise, and especially for women- hormones. 😊

  10. Melinda Ownby
    Melinda Ownby says:

    I am rolling in the floor on this one laughing!! 🤣😂🤣 I am the complete opposite! I can eat cooked carrots but don’t hand me a raw one! 🤭🤢 and right there with you on cooked broccoli. I can only eat it if its pureed in a soup. 🤪 Keep going! You got this! 🙌

  11. SCsweettea
    SCsweettea says:

    So happy your week went well. You are glowing. You are happy with the results you have made. That non scale victory leads to weight loss. I think we get so paranoid about that darn scale and the desire to see that number go down…that it becomes the ultimate destroyer of our diet. I know the dread of facing that machine is real for me. I weigh in on e a week. Some weeks i look forward to weigh in, some weeks, i am sure i will gain…. the truth is, that is the reality of the journey. By weighing in….i know i am staving off the 10 lb weight gain that happens quickly when i am not doing the weigh in. I also track my food. Most days! Nothing is perfect, but a wise person told me we have to think ahead in our life. When you picture Stephanie this summer, in 2021, 5 years from now. What do you want for her? As a retired woman, what life do you want? If you need encouragement, go to Walmart and watch the older people on walkers and carts….bad diet is destroying our future life mobility. I think that is what keeps me going. Pure fear of immobility. My knees and feet and back are achey and i am doing everything i can to relieve them of excess weight and bad food. I a. Not going to lie….this is hard….this is painful…you will fall down….but the secret is….we get back up. We go again. You are apprix 50 lbs better than this time last year….and you know what….that girl making a you tube video next year will be 100 lbs down. Cant you just see her? She was loved by you! Hugs, judy

  12. family tea and lots of yarn.
    family tea and lots of yarn. says:

    Frozen mango chunks😍 I picked up the February slimming world magazine on a Wim and there's a bunch of things that I would actually eat. I made a couple and they were great. Also tried linda McCartney rosemary sausages and they were soooooo good.

  13. Carol Scott
    Carol Scott says:

    Try adding more vegetables to your smoothies; you can also purée vegetables and add them as a sauce to your meals – such as a stir fry and even sneak them into dishes like meat loaf.

  14. Danielle Lindgren
    Danielle Lindgren says:

    I am so glad you are back on track! I had a great week last week. Lost 2.8 lbs. I don’t eat veggies and not much fruit. Have tried them every way. They smell of veggies make me gag and want to throw up. Fruit I can handle smell ( and a lot of fruit smell delicious) but I do not care for the taste.I was concerned so I have talked to my doctor and a dietitian, they say I am fine and not to worry about it. I have severe anxiety over food, because I am so picky. I thought I would grow out of it but as I get older it gets worse. TMI
    Keep up staying on track!

  15. Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper says:

    OMG..let me start by saying, Madge & Biscuit on the gram the other day was EVERYTHING!! Now, glad you meal prepped for yourself. I do much better when I meal prep. Let me end by saying, don't eat anything you don't enjoy, and for the love of all that is holy, don't worry about that. I love you Stephanie! x, E.

  16. Anne Kennedy
    Anne Kennedy says:

    Yes! Show us your hauls! Glad the reboot stuck! A lot of us seem to be getting back on the wagon. Wonder if it's partly the time of year. End of winter has traditionally been a big comfort eating period for me….

  17. Sarah S
    Sarah S says:

    I put frozen peas on my salad for protein. Maybe try going to a few stores and shopping the produce section for any veggies you haven't tried, you may find some you could like. Try cooking them in different ways… roasted root veggies is one of my favorites, carrot, turnip, rutabega, sunchokes, beets. Mashed cauliflower is good. Coleslaw with just apple cider vinegar and raw honey is good. You could try vegan mac and cheese with a chickpea or lentil pasta… there is one that is mostly blended potato carrot and onion for the cheese sauce. Blended zuchinni/cauliflower is easy to slip into most things. Or cauliflower/broccoli rice is good (even raw). Making veggies into a sauce helps. Or covering the veg taste with a healthy tomato sauce helps. Just keep trying! There are a lot of interesting ways to use veg in the vegan community, they find the weirdest ways, try searching for vegan recipes. Or just look for milder veg and add a strong flavor you like. Your palate may change, so just keep trying food you don't like, try to keep an open mind. Just keep going!

  18. May BRITT Rønningen
    May BRITT Rønningen says:

    I am with you Stephanie.You can do this.The best you can do is not too buy anything you not Are supposed too eat.I love vegetables , and i eat a lot of them , but i do not like hot carrots either.I do not like corn either , They taste too sweat.I am finishen my Journey , Waiting for surgery too remove loose skin.Which i had too wait for one too one and a half year.I really want you too get this Stephanie , and you can do this.Stay on track , eat healthy.

  19. oz-e-joy
    oz-e-joy says:

    If you add grated carrot, pumpkin or squash to any sauce based hot meal and just let it disintegrate into it? Add a corn on the cob on the side with all your hot meals? Have corn on the cob for one of your snacks? Pureed vegetable soup for snacks between meals?


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