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In this video I am sharing with you how I meal plan with what I have in my freezer. Hopefully it can help you make a meal plan to help you with what’s for dinner …

24 replies
  1. Nadine Augustyn
    Nadine Augustyn says:

    Another great video. In 2020 I was convinced I wanted to have a "prepper pantry" and have at least 1 or 2 month's worth of food on hand. Flash forward to today and I'm tired of the maintenance that "prepping" created. Just like you said, it's exhausting. I'm now working to use up what I purchased. (Did I really need 36 cans of cream of mushroom soup? lol) I'm curious what others are doing, too. Love, love, love your style of meal planning. I have started a small notebook with my tried and true meal ideas. Flipping through that notebook a good way for me to get ideas when meal planning.

  2. Barb Stormo
    Barb Stormo says:

    I have a husband who usually says I don't care! I am trying not to go to the store for a large order. We just got back from vacation and next week my daughter and I are going to go visit a relative so no groceries again this week! I hope you have a great week!

  3. Beverley Edmonds
    Beverley Edmonds says:

    Hi Darlene,
    I am regularly tearing my hair out trying to think about meals,they are the bane of my life,
    The last few weeks I haven’t planned or I forgot to take the meat
    Out of freezer the night before.
    Thank you for the motivation to get back into proper planning.

  4. Pam Latulippe
    Pam Latulippe says:

    I can really relate to this there are only two of us now and when I say to my husband what do you want for dinner same response.I get tired of thinking of dinner so tonight we are having carrot and zucchini pancake a recipe I saw on YouTube when I was looking for something to do with zucchini.

  5. Lana Woodall
    Lana Woodall says:

    Your top and nails look so pretty. Great haul and video, thanks for sharing. I will look for the everything bagel hummus.
    We don’t try too many “new”meal ideas, every once in awhile I see something that sounds good so I make it. We are pretty basic eaters, protein, starch and veggies. Pasta a couple times a month. Tacos one night. I do change up meals by the seasons. We eat chicken 3x, beef 2x and pork 2x a week. I use a calendar to meal plan and my daughter loves knowing what’s for dinner every night. I make a dessert once a week. Pizza night is always Friday! It works for us. Take Care. 😊🌺

  6. Jenny Whitney
    Jenny Whitney says:

    Love the creativity and execution in this video!! It is difficult for me to come up with different meal ideas, and often find myself right in the middle of the food funk! During the desert summer, I don’t like to heat the house up by turning on the oven. So salads and fruit is my go-to. I do have a recipe for “I don’t care” “I don’t know” and “whatever” that the fam likes 🙃 hehe.

  7. See
    See says:

    Hubby eventually was trained to say "How about something different?" I'd either be inspired to make something different or… make him take me out to dinner!

  8. Sara R
    Sara R says:

    I’m curious why you decided to go to weekly grocery shopping instead of a couple of times a week. You said recently that going to the store for just a couple of dinners at a time works for you. You often seem stressed out and was wondering if weekly was less stressful or harder since you need to plan more days at a time.

  9. Laura Williams
    Laura Williams says:

    Are you on Facebook at all? I mostly use it for the groups I’ve joined. I’ve joined some slow cooker / crock pot groups over the past year or so & there’s people from all over who share very easy / quick recipes, & it’s really inspired / helped me to just try new recipes & foods because I’m notorious for getting stuck in ruts & cooking / eating the same foods over & over! So I highly recommend having a browse & joining some, they really are excellent.
    Regarding the potatoes.. have you heard of loaded potatoes in the slow cooker? You only need a few ingredients & obviously you can add / take away whatever you please. You slice the potatoes into rounds, layer with cooked bacon cut into pieces, spring (green?) onions (sorry, I’m in the UK! I’m sure you call them green?), smoked paprika & cheese, & just layer up! Put it on high for 5-6 hours, depending how big your potatoes are. It’s recommended you drizzle with sour cream when serving 🙂 some people use this as a side with salad / quiche, others use it as a main with some salad, I’ve also seen it be eaten as a side dish with bbq food, it’s very versatile & makes a change from fries.

    Thanks for sharing how you meal plan, I definitely need help in that department! x

  10. Bonafide Bloom
    Bonafide Bloom says:

    I saw the same meme! Lol. My parents used to fight and walk to separate aisles. And what your husband says so does my bf. When I give options he'll say no to most but give no other suggestion I hate that lol. I've been cooking for 20 years, already tried everything I like vegan, everything gluten free, now I'm eating meat again still no gluten because of celiac, no dairy, and now no eggs or beans….. I can only remake a dish so many different ways over this long period of time. Lol. I try hard to give myself variety but with meal planning and saving need to not. But with my limitations I'm literally overwhelmed now. Luckily I can manage to feel fine on only one meal a day. But still it's hard with the limits and wanting healthy food with only like $150ish budget. Thank you so much for this video. It's really going to help. Also I cooked meals to friend and they didn't return my dishes…I want to try the frozen cooked stuff for lunches or bfast so I can try to eat more smaller portioned meals throughout the day. Do the foil pans work in the freezer?

  11. Mandyy224
    Mandyy224 says:

    With my brother in law’s schedule we don’t know from week to week what his schedule is going to be plus twice a week him and my niece have karate so we don’t exactly meal plan but I try to have some ideas for myself to make because most of the time I’m the only one home for dinner

  12. Pamela Levesque
    Pamela Levesque says:

    I enjoyed following along in the meal planning process…really helpful. I'm looking forward to any new recipes you might be sharing with us in the future…meal inspo is always welcome!

  13. Betty Pierce
    Betty Pierce says:

    I enjoyed having coffee with you this morning. I am keeping a stocked pantry. At 71 years young, my husband and I got both covid shots but I feel better knowing, if necessary, I can make meals without going to the grocery. I can also share with my daughter and her family. If I had to, I could feed us for a couple of months with my freezer and pantry.

    My son-in-law now has Covid so they are in quarantine. I'm going to make them a few meals and some extra goodies. We will leave it on their front porch. Carrots to the fur babies. I look forward to a glimpse of them in your videos. 😊🐶🦴 I enjoy all your videos. God bless you and yours.

  14. Lori E Ellickson
    Lori E Ellickson says:

    Depending on what kind of steak, you could make Swiss steak. I use round steak and tenderize it then brown it and after it's brown, put in a large sliced onion and a large can of diced tomatoes and salt and pepper and cook for about 20 minutes. Put in a baking dish and cook at 350° for at least an hour, covered, until the onions are well done and translucent and the tomatoes are thoroughly cooked. Yummy 😋


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