How I Dehydrate Bone Broth

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20 replies
  1. Moore2Life
    Moore2Life says:

    Heidi a big thank you for showing us the silicone mats. My dehydrator matts are about 10 years old in breaking so it was time, but these are a game changer with the raised side. I love thme!

  2. Kate Henry
    Kate Henry says:

    My Gram did not refrigerate eggs and kept them on the counter… but never long enough for them to dry out. That was 50 years ago. I've had raw Easter Eggs explode after a while. It makes me concerned about spoilage and contamination. I'm concerned about poisoning myself to slow-dry broth or eggs. It takes only once. How do you stay safe?

  3. The Bloo Pixie
    The Bloo Pixie says:

    What a great idea. I am definitely going to have to do this especially with veg stocks as I use bouillon powder in so many things. This would be a much better and cheaper option. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Julie Hall
    Julie Hall says:

    This is an excellent idea. I have 4 bags of broth that I froze in ice cube trays. Needless to say they take up a lot of freezer space. I generally only purchase items that are useful and I think these silicone trays will be worth it. I think I'll try to dehydrate some eggs too. I am one who really enjoys dehydrating, such a space saver.

  5. Martha Adams
    Martha Adams says:

    I cook my broth down as far as I can before dehydrating. When my freeze dryer was working, did not worry so much about it — but with dehydrating, I wonder if it is good – so I keep the jars in the refrigerator. So for, no growth or anything on them. I also vacuum seal them.
    The issue I have to remember is how little I need because of cooking it down.


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