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25 replies
  1. Rebekah Davis
    Rebekah Davis says:

    Love the new toaster! My husband was looking for the long one so our sourdough slices could fit whole and we didn’t have to cut them in half! I missed the name of yours can you share?

  2. Ijay Ijay
    Ijay Ijay says:

    Hi !do you expereince dizzyness while working out? if not maybe you could try to work out on an empty stomach without the shakes, the preworkout meals…I heard its great. Like for me I couldnt work out with all that liquid and sometimes you have oats, rice cakes etc….My tommy would be full Lol. but if you feeling hypoglycemic then you must ceratinly need to have a preworkout meals.

  3. Christine Lim
    Christine Lim says:

    I'd love for you to show your abb workout…doesnt need to be at the gym. I'd love to see it become we have simply back issues and I need to get serious about strengthening my core but not injure myself!

    Killing it as usual girl 🔥

  4. Mae Pelletier
    Mae Pelletier says:

    So afraid to change….veggies just bother me even now when I stay low carb hate calling it keto….brain washed from all we learned with keto I feel so bad or quilty stupid buts it's a real thing…..figured I'd add gluten free bread slowly….

  5. Joy80
    Joy80 says:

    You saying do the best that you can the best for you…is so true.
    You D can eat all those small meals because you workout hard & have specific goals. Weight lifting raises most peoples insulin as does frequent eating. For me I do wgts & cardio following the Robert & Crystal Sikes approach. They are keto higher protein…lower fat…natural body builders. I cannot eat all those carbs & frequency…makes me hungry constantly…I am building muscle as well doing my way. Love that we can all be friends & be the best version doing it our way.

  6. kristin bailey
    kristin bailey says:

    Mariah did cheer from 6 years old until she was a senior in high school. It’s very expensive. 1,000 is a steal. I won’t tell you what I paid and senior year was 1,000’s 🥹

  7. Hanah
    Hanah says:

    As someone who did the traveling cheer squad or something similar to it, it is expensive but it’s worth it. I’m still really close to a few girls that I did it with

  8. Morgan Lo
    Morgan Lo says:

    Do you intermittent fast? If not, when you you have dinner and when do you eat breakfast?
    Also, I’m so confused because “everyone” says not to eat so many small meals because it spikes your insulin and you will hold onto weight. But You do this and continue to lean out and look amazing! I’m wondering if I should switch to this way of eating.
    I’m losing weight sooo slow despite lifting 5 days a week. I’m not keto or low carb.

  9. The Sleeved Nana
    The Sleeved Nana says:

    Awesome back walkover Becky! Will nail the back handspring in no time! My oldest daughter was on an all star traveling cheer group. It was so expensive! All your food looks so good! Looking forward to the goals videos!

  10. Amanda Contreras
    Amanda Contreras says:

    Looking fit girl! Get it! 💪🏼 I have COVID right now so I’m feeling tired and out of it but I’m praying to get my energy back soon so I can feel well enough to start working out again 😫

  11. Andrea D. RN
    Andrea D. RN says:

    Watching you as I prep food for the weekend. I work weekends & I don’t want to have to cook when I get home. My husband doesn’t mind because he can heat up anything that he wants. We have different schedules for most things & we don’t eat together that often. He works very early mornings & goes to bed by 6pm, even on his days off.


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