Homemade Vegan Yogurt FAQ – Your Questions Answered!

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Homemade Vegan Yogurt FAQ – Your Questions Answered! In this video I’m answering all your questions regarding homemade yogurt. The original …

18 replies
  1. Jenene Cannon
    Jenene Cannon says:

    Can I use dairy yogurt cultures from store bought yogurt for my soy yogurt? I can't seem to find any soy yogurt in my town. Also, I do have about 2 TB of leftover almond yogurt. Can I use it for making soy yogurt?

  2. Annmarie Lucero
    Annmarie Lucero says:

    Great tutorial and video! I made the yogurt and it tasted fine. I choose not to strain it so it's kinda thin. Well, it's been in the fridge for a few days and it looks like the liquid is separating. I not sure how to explain it, it smells fine. Is this normal? Thank you so much!

  3. Anugrah Mas Perkasa
    Anugrah Mas Perkasa says:

    Hi! This helps a lot. Thank you! 💓 i have a question, do we not have to bring the soy milk to 42°C? We can add the starter straight away when the soy milk is at room temperature? Thank you so much ❤❤🙏

  4. cheddarpuff
    cheddarpuff says:

    For a vegan alternative to the word whey I suggest "vey". Just for fun. I also came up with "vicotta" and "veese" for vegan ricotta and vegan cheese. I am using your recipe for the first time in the Cosori Air Fryer Toaster oven, which also has a ferment setting, which I am so excited about. Thanks for your videos.


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