Homemade Dulce De Leche: The Easiest Way! #Shorts

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If you want the absolute easiest way to make delicious caramelly Dulce De Leche at home, I have just the method! Then, watch …

24 replies
  1. Lizzy Lettuce
    Lizzy Lettuce says:

    I recently stumbled into the channel and I love the videos

    I love this recipe, but please add more warnings to this video

    I don't want you getting cancelled for putting a child in hospital for being stupid

  2. Luna Mugetsu
    Luna Mugetsu says:

    If anybody could answer this I’d very appreciate it. When I was making this my condensed milk turned into Dulce de leche but when I opened they can I saw that there were crystallized sugar in the dulce de leche. Like big pieces of sugar, big granules all throughout the caramel. I wanted to know what could have caused that, because that’s never happened to me before (and I’ve made it a couple times before and it turned out fine)

  3. Hugo Fochi
    Hugo Fochi says:

    Dulce de Leche lovers are doing that for year, Neste sell now the same can but with the dulce de leche done for you without the work, BTW, it need more boiling time, will become more dark, close to the real Argentinian Dulce de Leche. Today with all the online shopping I prefer to buy the real Dulce de Leche
    Even better my favorite


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