Homemade Dog Food: Keeping Justice Healthy and Happy on a budget!

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I have been making homemade dog food for Justice for awhile now and the benefits and the savings are well worth the effort I put into it! I am making 2 versions …

31 replies
  1. Simple Southern Reflections
    Simple Southern Reflections says:

    Justice's food looked so good, the chicken must have made it taste very good and you so lovingly prepared and stored each meal. I found this very interesting and it is so good that you have the chicken to lay eggs, what a good life you have my friend, thank you.

  2. NonnaGrace
    NonnaGrace says:

    Hello Kathleen, that was great. i have actually soaked the chicken bones in vinegar to soften them and then ground them into bone meal. Jake enjoyed the taste of them. 💕NonnaGrace

  3. Sylvia Hudell
    Sylvia Hudell says:

    That's wonderful how you make your own dog food for Justice. It looks good and very healthy for him. It's cute how he licks his lips after. Mommy I want more. Great video.😀

  4. Deb's Way
    Deb's Way says:

    Making your own food is a good way to know exactly what your pet is eating. Our little Ginger is such a finicky eater that I have tried a variety of foods with her, including homemade. Previously, she would turn her nose up at anything with chicken in it. But lately, she LOVES chicken!! Have a great week-end!

  5. Happy Place Camping
    Happy Place Camping says:

    I'd really like to do this with Darbi. She hates dog food. No matter the brand. I need to get a chicken for eggs lol. I know you said 1 cup or maybe a little more twice a day. And that she's 70 pounds. How much dry dog food would you be giving her? Cuz I was thinking around 4 cups a day total.

  6. Mrs. Sonia Elaine
    Mrs. Sonia Elaine says:

    That’s awesome you make your own dog food. At first I was like that’s got to get expensive and then I thought I probably spend close to $70 or maybe more on my two dogs food. I agree that leaving in the fat seems right , regular dog food has fat in it.


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