HOMEMADE DOG FOOD | healthy dog food recipe

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HOMEMADE DOG FOOD | HEALTHY DOG FOOD RECIPE We recently switched our 4-year old dog over from store-bought dog food to homemade dog food …

34 replies
  1. Clean & Delicious
    Clean & Delicious says:

    Happy Friday! I am super excited to share a recipe I have been making for my dog lately! I plan to experiment more – so let me know if you would like me to share more homemade dog food recipes. XO Dani

  2. Dar B
    Dar B says:

    Great video and actually the garlic thing isn’t true. The study that was based on was when they have some dogs an insurmountable amount of garlic. It’s really good for bugs.

  3. Robert Liguori
    Robert Liguori says:

    Good morning
    I always love your recipes
    I am going to try out this dog food recipe today
    Looks very healthy
    My do Charlie will surely love it
    Keep em coming
    Any new cookbooks in the works

  4. Nekilof -
    Nekilof - says:

    I am not a veterinarian or a tech, but I did want to mention that several sites I was reading about canine cognitive decline ("doggy Alzheimer's") suggested that adding coconut oil is a great preventative measure against CCD (canine cognitive decline). My dog is only 7 months old, but I'd definitely thinking about the long term & making sure that she's able to remain healthy as long as she can. I'd love to hear if anyone else has seen clinical studies about using coconut oil for CCD prevention, and I think it's great that this recipe uses coconut oil.

  5. Cearra Burt
    Cearra Burt says:

    I’m very glad you contacted your veterinarian. It is important to remember that reputable food companies already have veterinary nutritionists on board to make sure diets are balanced. Companies like Purina and Royal Canin are always available to consult.

  6. mskulagal
    mskulagal says:

    Thank you for doing this! I have been running out of ideas to make meals interesting for our senior Shih Tzu’s. Yes, please keep on contributing with more creative ideas. Mandy from Tucson🌵

  7. Aparna Sharma
    Aparna Sharma says:

    Hi…thanks for Ur lovely receipe…i have golden retriever she will turn 3 months on 12 aug 2021.. my concern is ..these days she is not eating anything. Pls guide me some recipe which can be possible here…in India..

  8. Charlies Momma
    Charlies Momma says:

    Thank you so much for this video, been reading and reaching so many different dog foods and with the prices of the ones i liked just wasnt to sure with my picky ole man Charlie which flavor or etc to go for. lol.

  9. Christina Edwards
    Christina Edwards says:

    Please don't just GOOGLE recipes or foods dogs can or cannot eat. Best to research holistic vets over a traditional one. Don't feed your dogs grains, potatoes, pasta, carrots, peas, lentils or legumes (only beans I feed are green beans). Grains and potatoes are inflammatory foods that can lead to IBS. Lentils and legumes cause bloat and gas. Carrots and peas high in sugars. Spinach is not recommended as it's high in oxalates. I feed variety leafy greens and incorporate parsley or cilantro to counteract the oxalates. You only have 1 pound of meat in comparison to your veggie content, so what is your animal proteins ratio to plant based? Where is your organ? Where does your calcium source play in as well as other supplements? My dog's diet is 75-80% animal proteins which is a variety of meats, organs, heart, gizzards, egg, sardines and other fish. 20-25% plant based including variety leafy greens, fresh or dried herbs, low glycemic veggies (helps maintain steady blood glucose levels instead of rise and fall from high starchy carbs) berries and seeds. Only starchy carb is butternut squash within the lowest ratio of plant based. Powdered eggshell or seaweed calcium added to every batch. Daily supplement, omega oil and probiotic intermittently. Dogs can eat garlic in appropriate amounts as well as kale as it's beneficial to their health, but do agree to no onions or raisins. Sorry, but been feeding homemade 3 years and 5 months, researched and correspond with online historic vets 4.5 years and this is not a way I'd feed my dog. Great effort though.

  10. Renee Bustamante
    Renee Bustamante says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this delicious recipe. My Buddy boy is going to love this! I'm going to give this a try but I don't know how much to serve him at each meal. I feed him twice a day. My Buddy is about 85 pounds. Can you give me some pointers on how much I should be feeding him. Thanks in advance.

  11. Dummy Summy
    Dummy Summy says:

    I left a dislike because I really think you need a disclaimer on the recipe on your website and at the beginning of this video! This recipe is not balanced to meet a dog's nutritional requirements. Recipes should be reviewed by a canine nutritionist or at the very least a vet. Especially for puppies. Super important for proper growth and development. Homemade dog food is great, but this is not a balanced recipe and I would hate for people to feed it exclusively and for their dog to suffer from lack of key nutrients. All that being said, I love homemade diets for dogs, especially raw diets. But research is a must!!

  12. pushpanjali chowdhary
    pushpanjali chowdhary says:

    None of dogs will eat it. May be some tiny breeds, like yours, who can eat it.
    Large breeds n guard dog breeds have different taste choices n they are v specific for their foods right from the beginning or birth. They eat meat, chicken n eggs with rice, porridge or kibbles but completely hate fish n vegetables.
    So, please don't generalize n don't become master of dog food n don't make such funny videos until u have owned giant, large n guard dog breeds n fed them in their entire life span to understand which food is better nutritionally n health-wise !!!
    If u haven't done this, don't make such bizarre videos reading books written n promoted by people who themselves haven't raised a single large or giant or guard dog!!!


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