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To call this classic sauce base “kitchen gold” would be to overly flatter gold. Thanks to Squarespace for sponsoring this video!

36 replies
  1. Adam Ragusea
    Adam Ragusea says:

    Q: This seems like a lot of work. Can I just buy this somewhere?
    A: You'd think so, but I've never found one that tasted remotely like real demi-glace. Let me know if you do.

    Q: Could you simulate this stuff through some combination of gelatin, bouillon, mushrooms, soy sauce and some such?
    A: I am intrigued, and will be giving this a shot.

    Q: Could you do this faster with a pressure cooker / instapot?
    A: I suppose, but I'm not into pressure cookers. More trouble than they're worth, IMHO. The time issue here isn't an impediment for me, since it's totally unattended time.

    Q: Could you make this with chicken feet, instead of wings?
    A: I would imagine so, might even be better, and would probably be cheaper. Chicken feet are generally not available in mainstream U.S. grocery stores (EDIT: apparently they have them at Walmart, see below), but you can often find them in Latin or Asian groceries here.

    Q: How is it possible that the smells and fat could be so gross, and yet the liquid would taste good?
    A: Lots of volatile compounds leave food during cooking, and fat traps aromas. That's why if you put some cookies in a box with something strong-smelling like mint, all the cookies will taste minty. The butter traps the smell.

    Q: Did you steal this idea from Babish?
    A: No. As I said, I stole it from Chef John. It was news to me that Babish did a demi-glace recipe recently. I've had this on the books for a while. This demi-glace is a crucial ingredient in the Christmas dinner I usually make, which I have scheduled for next Thursday. It really shouldn't be surprising that recipe youtubers would often be making the same stuff, independent of each other. Nothing new under the sun.

    Q: Why did you post this a day late?
    A: Factors entirely outside my control. Sorry!

  2. USCitizen56
    USCitizen56 says:

    It's all about the love you put into to not the time. I made a Demi-Glace recipe once and froze it. I used it for more than 6 months. Totally worth the time for that velvety finish. Added Roasted Carrots, Celery,Tomato, Red Wine and pureed it all down and strained it

  3. aquateen 28
    aquateen 28 says:

    I make demi glace quit often, because I'm a whole animal butcher and I get my bones for free. This recipe does not smell like dead bodies at all. It smells like a stew. Just go to Chef John's channel and skip the B.S.

  4. Paul von Blerk
    Paul von Blerk says:

    Bloody disgusting!!!! most of the world is starving with children dying from malnutrition and starvation and you cook up and discard enough good food that could have fed 20 to 30 kids to make a pathetic pint of sauce. You have just demonstrated that you are a typical, wasteful, selfish, thoughtless dip sh..t. Bloody Disgusting!!!

  5. Britney Toomey
    Britney Toomey says:

    Do you think it’s smelly because it’s not made with pastured animals? My stock never smells bad. It smells really good and I use the fat skimmed off to cook with, and it’s delicious. But i don’t use bones from feedlot animals.


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