Holistic Health – Anthony Lim, M.D.

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Holistic Health – Anthony Lim, M.D. Join Dr. Anthony Lim as he delves into the realm of holistic health, revealing the power of food …

14 replies
  1. Mamta Jaya
    Mamta Jaya says:

    Dr Lim. I walk 45 minutes in the morning and 1:15:05 20 minutes after dinner My thyroid was 7.2 and it came to .9 but a few weeks ago it elevated to 6.2. I have to take meds again I am still very tired and loose energy

  2. Judy Leahy
    Judy Leahy says:

    I know this is no longer live but my lunch today was leftover corn grits, tofu pasta sauce, nutritional yeast, with wilted arugula and bok choy. Dessert was cantaloupe with hemp seed.

  3. Rephael Rechitzky
    Rephael Rechitzky says:

    Sorry, but most people come to the program because they believe that Dr. McDougall will have to proper way to lose weight. After taking the program, I am not sure the program really gives the answer to this issue, so YES, the food is the most important thing and the reason and hope why people join it. As to me, I paid enough to the program, but I did not get the answer to it. A great deal of this program is for the purpose of saving money for the clinic and creating a dream, for many is not fulfilled. The program criticizes other doctors, which made me very angry, as I had a great doctor. Dr. McDougall does not even spend one minute talking to the participants and Dr. Lim calculate his time and yes, you can talk more, by buying time and pay for it extra. Sorry, but I hope I told you some of the truth and not just dreams.

  4. Kenz300 x
    Kenz300 x says:

    People need to take personal responsibility for their life and health.
    The general over all health of people has declined the last few decades.
    Even children today have signs of artery disease. Fast foods and sugary drinks have long term consequences.
    There is an obesity epidemic today where over 60% of the population is overweight or obese.
    What is common today and "NORMAL" is not healthy. The average person today is not healthy and is taking medications.
    Heart attacks were once only common in people over 65. Today people in their 40 are having heart attacks.
    Add more plants and vegetables to your diet and less junk and overly processed foods. Being thin is a sign of good health. Being over weight or obese is a sign of bad health. Poor diet, lack of exercise and obesity are contributing to high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Daily exercise is critical. Every adult and child should own a bicycle and ride it daily.


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