HOBO Eats! How To Make Perfect Baked Potatoes In An Instant Pot! Quick Recipes For RV & Van Dwellers

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

New series debut. I show you how to make the ultimate baked potatoes using an Instant Pot in 25 minutes. No oven required! Perfect fast food for vehicle …

32 replies
  1. Carolslist on ebay
    Carolslist on ebay says:

    The potato is starch and starch turns to sugar and that is bad for your heart but the butter is great. The sour cream is good. Kinda gotta stay away from root veggies but this is my opinion as yours is yours.

  2. Dwd Kokab
    Dwd Kokab says:

    Information on all wrapping on all food are all lies.🤔
    Nothing is real. The people who supposed to inspect all that are paid to pretend it's all true.
    I saw on ABC news that of all the ground beef and pork sausage that has been tested, 2% is human DNA. This is fact. I've lost all hope in humanity. Just pray for your food. It's made clean by prayer and the word of God. So that means if you believe in Jesus, you can eat all foods just in moderation. But all food is acceptable and nothing to be refused. Never call dirty what God has made clean. Just give thanks and have that 🥓 bacon and eggs. Just in moderation, because over eating I never good.

  3. Kathy Fann
    Kathy Fann says:

    Some Chopped Green onions chopped thin in a bag prepared before you go are great for adding to several different dishes as you cook on your Trip. Thanks for the Baked Potato tip. A few would be pretty and Delicious on the Potatoes 🥔
    I am going in a couple weeks to Sedona I will take these.

  4. jquest43
    jquest43 says:

    Unwrap your butter and place in direct sunlight,for 20 min+ ,and you will get several vitamin D's stored in the butter. If flies are around ,cover in sun,with Saran wrap,Not plastic or glass!

  5. Ana Goldstein
    Ana Goldstein says:

    As a vegan I don’t have any of the issues meat eaters have. No cholesterol because the only food that contains cholesterol is animal products. Your body doesn’t give a 💩 if it’s grass fed or not. It’s still gonna adhere to your arteries. No high blood pressure cuz I don’t salt everything to death. If I want the 84 minerals found in Himalayan salt I eat my vegetables. You took a perfectly good healthy baked potato and you made it into a heart attack! It’s misleading what you are telling your viewers

  6. Linda Heald
    Linda Heald says:

    I am catching up on your videos, really liked you and Stan. You are right about your nutrition. Good for you, most young people don't pay attention. To me everyone is young! You are using pink Himalayn salt, I love it and have used it for years. You have to be careful to get enough Iodine, Pink salt has lots of minerals and some Iodine but not a lot. Read Dr Brownstein on Iodine also Dr Axe has a lot of info on it .So very important. Thanks again to you and Odin, really enjoy!

  7. Donna Lynn
    Donna Lynn says:

    I got my instant pot about 45 days ago and it's the best thing ever. You can actually stack your pot full to the fill line of potatoes (although for just you, you wouldn't need to) and 20 mins is overkill on time. 10 mins and they are done, try it, trust me.

  8. Ana Goldstein
    Ana Goldstein says:

    Flaxseed, avocados, walnuts, navy beans, salmon and other fish (if you want to consume all that mercury) are in the top 10 of best sources of omega 3. Butter of any kind does not appear on that list. Also the amount of omega 3 is not as important as the balance between omega 3’s and omega 6’s. You should stick to RV related content because after this nutritional fiasco I’m questioning whether anything else you post is l legit.

  9. Ana Goldstein
    Ana Goldstein says:

    I almost choked when you showed the butter and said it was good fat- there is no good fat that comes from an animal. It’s all cholesterol and salt is salt – if you want the minerals take a supplement or each more vegetables. Pink, black or any other salt will raise blood pressure.

  10. Holland
    Holland says:

    Want baked potatoes and spend zero time baking them? Use your engine. Wrap em in tin foil and find a goof spot with metal wire to keep them in place. Depending on the size of the potatoes, specific location in your engine bay you have put them in 30-60 minutes before your destination. Since you're driving anyway it literally takes no time on your part aside from the quick stop. If you do it 30 minutes prior then you can relax and set your kitchen up and your engine remains hot for the second half hour and you can remove them at your leisure.

  11. Mama Wanderlust
    Mama Wanderlust says:

    What a great video, you made that potato look amazing. I have a new handle, not positive I will keep it but subscribed a while ago and I thought i had seen all of your videos. Apparently I missed some so I will have to look again. Just got an Instant Pot and I think we'll have potatoes for lunch tomorrow.

  12. Pat
    Pat says:

    Great idea! going to get me one of those instant pots. Baked potatoes and corn on the cob cant beat that with a salad..
    Have my Jeep for sale and going to get a class B to do some sight seeing.

  13. Alan Andresen
    Alan Andresen says:

    I'm waiting patiently for the next installment of Hobo Eats. Hahahaha Actually, I might have to get an Instant Pot. They look pretty handy. I did buy a 12v RoadPro Portable Stove. The gas station had a sale. Both might come in handy.


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