HIGH PROTEIN VEGAN MEALS | 5 Recipes = 173g Protein

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Please do not count macros or calories (unless you need to for specific health reasons). The measurements and macros in this video are just for your information …

25 replies
  1. Madeleine Olivia
    Madeleine Olivia says:

    But where do you get your protein? I'm answering that question in today's recipe video! Each recipe is linked in the description so check it out! ALSO this video is not to tell you that you should be counting the amount of protein you're eating, or measuring anything out, this was purely done for your information to show how much protein you CAN get from plants. ALSO before I receive another comment about soy being too high in estrogen for men IT IS A MYTH! Soy has PHYTOestrogens which is different from estrogen and affects us differently (we aren’t plants). You should be more concerned with the actual estrogen in animal products, because manboobs are much more likely to be a result of overeating diary than soy. https://freefromharm.org/health-nutrition/vegan-doctor-addresses-soy-myths-and-misinformation/

  2. Buhle Buhle
    Buhle Buhle says:

    Honestly, I never had problems with my weight. I could eat whatever I wanted and still maintain normal weight, but a lot of junk food really affected my health. Diet plan from Agoge Diet contains delicious and nutritionally rich foods your body, brain and heart will love. It's definitely worth trying.

  3. Mobster Crow
    Mobster Crow says:

    im a pollo vegetarian because i hate the taste of all meat but chicken and i hate dairy unless its in food like in cake or something but i do like cheese i dont really care about eating healthily because i already kinda do because of being a picky eater i love making vegan food then adding chicken because other food is nasty and some vegan and vegetarian food is actually pretty good! also where do you find good vegan food? also also what does tofu taste like and where do you get it?

  4. Ezcanor
    Ezcanor says:

    I’m not vegan but I’m already consuming less meat then I did before. Last time I ate meat was last month. I just want to try eating wholes foods and these are great

  5. Wen June
    Wen June says:

    MEN SHOULD NOT BE CONSUMING TOFU IN LARGE AMOUNTS. TOFU CONTAINS SOY, SOY CONTAINS ESTROGEN, FEMINIZING MEN AND GIVING THEM MAN BOOBS(I dont remember the proper terminology for the condition) IF ANY1 CAN RECOMMEND STUFF THAT ISNT SOY BASED PLEASE LET ME KNOW. thinking of not eating meat. But I dont want to look like skeletor like i almost already look like and i dont need to be more fem. This isnt a troll, I need help with this!

  6. Jérémy Bergeron
    Jérémy Bergeron says:

    Cant stop laughing. I like you two! Im definitly like him (all mixed and put sweet fingers in it) Subscribed!!! One more french canadian yééé haha

    I struggled with two things since my try to go vegetarian and hopefully vegan.

    1- Gas/digestion etc. It hurt and it smells to be honest!

    2- High protein and variety in my BREAKFAST.

    Thats my 2 MAIN STRUGGLES in this adventure so far.



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