High Protein, 1400 Calorie Day – Full Day Of Vegan Food .@earthchimp

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

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32 replies
  1. @PlantBasedDads
    @PlantBasedDads says:

    We love you all!!! Please like and subscribe so we can continue to make more videos. Leave your thoughts on the recent content and some of you secrets for getting to your protein goals each day. Are you on the journey with me? Let me know in the comments below. We are stronger together. -Joey

  2. @kathleencoullard4864
    @kathleencoullard4864 says:

    It is obvious Tim is very passionate about his milk frother. Joey – your facial expressions were priceless! Thanks so much for sharing your journey. I am looking to increase protein, but a little more challenging as am gluten free. Thanks for all you do!!

  3. @anne-mariemitchell6772
    @anne-mariemitchell6772 says:

    This is fantastic!! I have been wfpb for 2 years and while my health issues have gone into remission, I’m not as strong/toned and my joints are increasingly achy. I wonder if this is why? My heart is a muscle, and I’ve done too much work trying to save it only to risk having muscle loss undo my progress. This is definitely something I’ll be looking into with further research.👍🏼 Thank you for sharing!

  4. @michellehogan6987
    @michellehogan6987 says:

    Good morning! I love your recipes and love your channel! Thank you so much for such awesome content. For the instant pot pasta, if I don’t have an instant pot, I presume I can just cook that in a regular pot, but it will take longer?

  5. @sarahking1888
    @sarahking1888 says:

    You're both looking great. I'm a Public Health Nutritionist (and vegan), and body composition (lean muscle mass vs body fat) is the most important predictor of healthy aging. The Starch Solution is not the answer. It's like cardio vs. resistance training. It's just going to make you skinny fat, and slow down your metabolism. Hopefully you guys will get to the point where you're not having to count every calorie.

  6. @dsm_796
    @dsm_796 says:

    I struggle drinking the protein shakes. I’ve tried so many and I hate them all. 😰 They make me nauseous and bloated and the taste is awful and powdery. 😢 I couldn’t try that one you use here in Switzerland maybe it’s better but it’s not available here. 🫤

    Great recipes ideas. I’ll try the scrambled tofu. ❤

  7. @susanporter5991
    @susanporter5991 says:

    You both are looking great! I could see the difference immediately when I started watching the video! I have lost 50lbs on a plant based diet but I’ve been stuck for the last 4 months. I’m wondering if I should try to add more protein to my diet. Thanks for sharing! ❤

  8. @davidthescottishvegan
    @davidthescottishvegan says:

    Love 🥰 the video and recipes Joey & Tim. I always make sure I have a breakfast that contains protein and usually for dinner the meal/recipe will involve lentils, beans, wholewheat pasta or brown rice so for example if it is a curry there will be a protein source in the curry before I serve it with the brown rice (occasionally i will eat red rice, black wild rice). Love ❤ & Joey ❤ Tim.

  9. @Joy80JJ
    @Joy80JJ says:

    Joey haven't watch your channel for months (sorry) & hardly ever comment. Still luv ya….You definitely notice you are looking leaner & more muscular.
    Keep up the good work.


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