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Welcome back everyone! Today we are sharing another day at home with us on our homestead! #largefamilylove #homesteading …

44 replies
  1. H LeMier
    H LeMier says:

    Good Tuesday afternoon. I have a day off from work and I've been cleaning bathrooms and house. Had to take break to watch you awesome family. I haven't been able to catch up in months. Love love love your family and video's. Thanks for sharing your wonderful family!❤️❤️❤️

  2. Stefanie Benson
    Stefanie Benson says:

    Having moles checked is very important!!! My son just had one removed from his back. I have had several removed, apparently having fair skin and blue eyes makes you more susceptible to skin cancer.

  3. bh1958bjbj
    bh1958bjbj says:

    I have skin cancer but my original doctor to me he didn't have the wear with all to do the other two spots. They are worse then freezing them. But I had the spots checked.

  4. Brenda Gordon
    Brenda Gordon says:

    Everything you cook looks great. Do you know what the maximum amount of flour that a 2lb bread machine can take on the dough cycle. I checked my manual but it didn't specify. Thanks for any help or advice you can give. My daughter wants home made pizza on Wednesday and I don't want to mess it up.

  5. Andrea McCrury
    Andrea McCrury says:

    I too love Fall! I enjoy the warmer days of summer but not the heat and humidity here in VA! I grew up in Maine on the coast so a warm day was 80 and by 4 in the afternoon the sea breeze came in and it was back to low 70’s. I’m a baby of the 60’s so my teen years was baby oil laying out in the sun. I have to get checked every year and usually have pre cancer cells removed. Important to get checked! Stay cool as you can!

  6. Angela Fleming
    Angela Fleming says:

    Good morning Tiffany. I just was at the dermatologist 3 weeks ago and I had a blue black dot on my hand that i had concern about he looked at it and he says lets biopsy it and he took it and it came back clean and the couple other freckles i had he said they were just freckles and find but I go back in a year unless something comes up. I love love love fall and winter spring would be nice if it didn't feel like summer 3 weeks into spring. The only thing I like about summer is my garden I like being able to grow things to put up for winter. Dinner looked great as always. Take care and stay safe!

  7. Kathy Cunningham
    Kathy Cunningham says:

    Good morning Tiffany
    I agree with you as you get older, it’s important to take care of yourself with check ups.
    The piglets are doing so well running around. Sorry about the one you lost.
    Dinner looked scrumptious esp the way you did the zucchini.
    Happy Layla is feeling better.
    Thanks for sharing and great advice.
    Have a beautiful, cooling n blessed day.

  8. Nicole Keller
    Nicole Keller says:

    Oh I am definitely a Fall and Winter girl too!!! I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets in dinner ruts and I'm in one right now. So what you said made so much sense about the types of food for summer verses Fall and Winter🤯. I'm gonna have to pay more attention this Fall and see if I get in a dinner rut then🤔.

  9. Geralyn Husketh
    Geralyn Husketh says:

    Yes Tiffany, it is hard to lose an animal😢. To us they are a member of our family. Last week we lost our 12 year old English Bulldog, Zebulon Tyler. He wad our first English Bulldog. Saturday, we lost a kitten to an unfortunate accident. It doesn't matter how young or old they are, it hurts. Keep up the good work. Love your family and your videos. ❤

  10. Annie Lumm
    Annie Lumm says:

    Those kinders seasonings are good, haven't found one I don't like yet! When we empty one we just chose whatever sounds good! Fall foods are the best! I'm starting to get in the mood for chilli! But the heat says NO! I bet by mid August I make it anyways! I get impatient for fall by then lol

  11. M E
    M E says:

    I am in Australia. Skin cancer checks are essential . I just have had the 5th malignant melanoma removed with extra surgery needed each time for clear margins. Good to hear you reminding others. Hope all ie well with Pathology.

  12. Vickiemouse23
    Vickiemouse23 says:

    I’ve had skin cancer on my nose, forehead and an ear!
    I was a 70’s baby oil in the sun girl!
    May I remind all of the men out there to get their PSA numbers checked? Prostate cancer can be cured❤️‍🩹
    I love that you take time out for yourself!
    You are truly an amazing mom and take such great care of your family. I’m glad you care for you too!!
    God Bless you and Keep you all, Always 🙏🏻🕊✝️🌸♥️

  13. Hilde Moonen
    Hilde Moonen says:

    I also prefer to go in the morning for apointments for the same reason as you. I hate waiting for hours to go to the appointment because then it always seems I get nothing done. So if I have the option I go first thing in the morning 😁

  14. Susan B
    Susan B says:

    I'm a first appt of the day person. Let's get it over with and it also gets me out of the house early if I need to run errands. I'm also ready for Fall so over these west texas temperatures and my plants are all dying off. No more peppers or tomatoes this season. Bring on football and sweats.

  15. KendraS90
    KendraS90 says:

    The little piglets are adorable! Hope you all are well. Try to stay cool this week! We are supposed to get really hot temps this week here in western PA. Im over it. It's too hot! I can't wait for fall temps.


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