Hell Revealed: Part 8 – Its Darkness and Its Extreme Cold | Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera

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The most profound and graphic description ever delivered in English based on the classical works of Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali (795 …

6 replies
  1. ani tah
    ani tah says:

    Stars which are essentially made of fire/energy go through different stages that are shown with different colours; yellow, red, white and eventually black.. Allah knows best but perhaps these black holes are reflective of the final stage of jahanam and are actually fire balls of immense force. The description of the colours in the hadith always reminds me of the stars….

  2. Shafiq Ahmadi
    Shafiq Ahmadi says:

    اللهم انا نسألك الجنه و اعوذبك من النار ،آمين …. اللهم صل و سلم و بارك على محمد و على اله و اصحابه اجمعين.


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