Heart Disease: Brand New Lecture By Dr. McDougall & Special Guest, Plantiful Kiki | Chef AJ LIVE!

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34 replies
  1. jj wilwil
    jj wilwil says:

    Dr McDougall puts all this valuable information in a way we can understand. I have 3 stents and am still on blood thinners years after stents which Per this video I found out is unnecessary. And that the stents themselves did not help my long-term survival. This angers me. I appreciate this information so now I can have information to take back to my cardiologist. Maybe I need a new one, but sadly informed cardiologists seem to be far and few between. That's disturbing. Thank you chef AJ and Dr McDougall. And I follow plantiful Kiki. Love her!

  2. Pamela Fornell Haugeland
    Pamela Fornell Haugeland says:

    I am no scientist but – like mann of us – I have experimented on myself over the years. When I first went WFPB and discovered the big difference in inflimation in my body when I cut out all animal products I was thrilled. At first I cut out plant oils in order to loose weight. But I soon discovered that things like olive oil caused me to Get stiff and sore in much the same way as animal products had done. So I now keep well away from added fats in order to feel good. The cherry on top is that it hjelps me control my weight as well.

  3. becky quick
    becky quick says:

    Fantastic video !!! I have aortic stenosis , I was told in 5 to 7 years I would need a valve replacement will a vegan diet or wfpb diet help prolong having this surgery ? I would be 65 to 67 by the time they say I need it. My stenosis at this point is considered mild I am under no restrictions as of yet.

  4. J.Allen_Fit
    J.Allen_Fit says:

    Since he mentioned heart surgery is not helpful, what does he suggest if you do have a heart attack and they want to do open heart surgery.

    Is he saying don’t do the surgery and start eating better, would they even send you home without doing open heart surgery if you have a heart attack

  5. Molly Nelson
    Molly Nelson says:

    It is bothersome that the ads that come so often during the presentation today and other shows you do are all for products and info that directly goes against everything that Dr. McDougall and all the other plant-based doctors teach. "Good fats" "olive oil is good" "beans are bad/lectins" "gut cleanse" product, etc.. I realize Chef AJ has no control over these advertisers, as it is a Youtube thing, but it is frustrating because it is such nonsense.

  6. dbamberdance
    dbamberdance says:

    Just 10 minutes in & I am just WOW'ed by Kiki's story. I'm completely new to Chef AJ, in fact am waiting for her books to arrive, and in just 3-4 days of watching many videos of her and her guests, I am just amazed at all the people we are exposed to through her. How can I have gotten to 72 and missed all these people, especially in the past 13 years since retiring where my weight has done nothing but balloon and all my efforts (already a vegetarian for 40+ years and vegan for 2 1/2) do nothing but make me heavier and unhappier? THANK YOU CHEF AJ, just for being there, and all these wonderful people who are giving me hope of a NEW way, the RIGHT way, to be vegan, trim, and healthy!

  7. Helene de Walais
    Helene de Walais says:

    What a fantastic lecture. I have listened to so many of Dr McDougalls videos yet there is still more I learned from this one! Looking forward to a lecture on hypertension, so common in our society. Thanks AJ.

  8. Eighty Bananas
    Eighty Bananas says:

    @1:41 Registered Cardiac Sonographer here. I perform Echocardiograms for a living. 😉 that’s the terminology good Sir. Once the ascending aorta gets to be 4.5cm the patient gets a CT scan and the Docs monitor very closely to see if surgery needed. (At least that’s how it’s done at my cardiac clinic)
    BTW I love your work, please don’t stop these lectures! I’ve been plant based for 6 years now.

  9. LiveLaughLove
    LiveLaughLove says:

    Thank you, doctor this is great and very much needed information.
    I have a good friend who has A-Fib and you answered so many of his questions, which is nothing that his cardiologist ever explained to him. His cardiologist didn't ever suggested nutritionist.

    You are the best, in fact you need to teach some of the other cardiologists what you have learned and discovered. They truly need to know how to help people live.

  10. Blair Birthisel
    Blair Birthisel says:

    I am so glad you had Plantiful Kiki on your show. She is a huge fan of Dr. McDougall and quotes his "Starch Solution" frequently…like every video. This is what our community should do….so please watch her channel…like Mary, she has wonderful vidoes on cooking.

  11. lorenza feitosa
    lorenza feitosa says:

    Wow, wacthing from Brasil, those lectures from Dr Mcdougallb are just amazing, I m a very healthy 48years old vegan and about sometime ago my dogs are also on a low fat vegan diet, I have 9 rescued dogs , neither I or the dogs have cholesterol, urinary priblems, no diabetes, no chronic problems.
    Unfortunately my relatives with health priblems or unhealthy vegan friends don't take serious the Mcdougallb collor picture book and informations I keep sharing with everyone, maybe because it is all in english, well I keep in trying, hope somebody benefits from it..
    Love, love dr John and Mary Mcdougall.

  12. lorenza feitosa
    lorenza feitosa says:

    Wow, wacthing from Brasil, those lectures from Dr Mcdougallb are just amazing, I m a very healthy 48years old vegan and about sometime ago my dogs are also on a low fat vegan diet, I have 9 rescued dogs , neither I or the dogs have cholesterol, urinary priblems, no diabetes, no chronic problems.
    Unfortunately my relatives with health priblems or unhealthy vegan friends don't take serious the Mcdougallb collor picture book and informations I keep sharing with everyone, maybe because it is all in english, well I keep in trying, hope somebody benefits from it..
    Love, love dr John and Mary Mcdougall.

  13. Pam Penney
    Pam Penney says:

    Yes Kiki you have changed my life. I found you on YouTube 6 months ago And Dr McDougal your work is phenomenal 💕❤️ freedom is amazing THANK YOU ALL and chef AJ For having them on 😁


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