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Hey guys! Welcome back to a all day healthy what I eat in a day to lose weight vlog. I have been trying my best to stick to my new years resolution to lose ten …

34 replies
  1. Janis Tyson
    Janis Tyson says:

    I do Beachbody too!! I’m doing the prenatal barre right now. One of the most effective programs around. Don’t really like their business side but no denying their programs work!!! I’m 8 months pregnant with 4th baby and still slimming down in my legs even though my belly is growing. I’ve done a program after every other baby and lost all the baby weight within about 5 months. So kudos to you for BB!!!! Go girl!!!

  2. Erinn Andrews
    Erinn Andrews says:

    Oh my goodness your baby is so CUTE!! I love your videos. My kids have loved the recipes I’ve made from your channel. I’m in a similar boat – I’m working on my last 10lbs from my last baby…

  3. eclipselatino gh
    eclipselatino gh says:

    Hello dude! This is instructional! I have been trying to search for a knowledgable YouTube video like yours that really teaches the ideas in this video! 🧑🏻‍⚕️Your content really reminds me of the videos of Dr Ethan! Doctor Ethan's videos are really helpful and he helped me a lot on my exams. He is an educational medical student on YouTube and he talks about vitamins!

    You should check his YouTube out and give the doc a like! 👉 #DoctorEthanQuestions

  4. Nic W.
    Nic W. says:

    I'm doing MBF too and am in the 3rd week. My husband even started doing some of the workouts with me and realizes why he hears noises from upstairs when I'm doing it. LOL! I am going to repeat it from week 1 after I'm done to see how much I have improved. I am with you about noticing the strength gains from the program too.

  5. Francis Suitum
    Francis Suitum says:

    Hi there. I enjoyed your video! I have been trying to research for a video that really breaks down everything in this YouTube video. 🩺 The part at 1:19 is my fav. Your vid is like the vids from Dr. Ethan. Doctor's demonstrations are helpful and I actually learned a lot for my midterms! He is an insightful health enthusiast in Nottingham and he explains medical school and medical school.

    I suggest you check his YouTube out and give Doctor Ethan a like! 👉 #DrEthanOnYouTube

  6. Chelsy Lynn
    Chelsy Lynn says:

    I can't wait to start doing my keto diet again. especially because I dislike working out in the beginning of losing weight. The best change of diet for me is one where you lessen the bad carbs. I was about to start keto before I got pregnant but then I couldn't continue because I didnt start or do it long enough. I've done it for years off and on. Really helps my husband who has a seizure condition as well. Took a while to get it right too!

  7. BengeWorthy
    BengeWorthy says:

    Hi Abby! I know you're the Simplified Saver," so…any suggestions for a cheaper replacement on Shakeology? That will break the bank pretty quickly over here. Not that I would'nt love to use it!

  8. Susie Lowe
    Susie Lowe says:

    i think you always look wonderful … pregnant n after as you glowed while pregnant …i never really understood people who said oh your glowing then i saw you n you looked radiant finally i clicked hee hee but do whatever makes you happy … your body…your life… for sure ….🤗🤗

  9. Penelope Peppers
    Penelope Peppers says:

    I like to see more of and You and Sybil 🙂 And your other 2……And Please stop Obsessing over weight issues……You look fine for a mother of 3 !!! Just take walks after dinner and keep busy doing other things to keep your mind off food………I had Severe Anorexia when I was 16-18 and hospitalized……Food is a necessity in the world……Please don't make it Your Enemy 🙂

  10. Penelope Peppers
    Penelope Peppers says:

    Do ya know ….That is Natural for Women to have a layer of fat ( apx. 10%) on their skeleton for reproductive purposes ??? After Childbearing this becomes the sculpt of the body which means it has "Matured and Procreated" ……Nothing to do with Fatness or being Overweight……It is what the Lord intended and you can't mess with the Big Guy 🙂 So Don't be so intimidated by society "norms" 🙂 Please give it some thought……


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