Healthy Ground Chicken Burgers | grandma's juicy chicken patty recipe

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Juicy Healthy Ground Chicken Burgers with chicken breast just like my Ukrainian grandma used to make. Serve traditionally on a …

8 replies
  1. France Vachon
    France Vachon says:

    Can i suggest you something, why don't you have an induction hob? cleanup is so easy afterwards. We bought a small induction hob, and let me tell you that I can't wait to have our full induction cooker it would make damn good chicken burgers like yours!!!!

  2. Kim Jamieson
    Kim Jamieson says:

    Looks delicious! If I am using ready ground chicken breast, would I still use 2lbs? And what would you suggest for an alternative to bread for GF diet (I haven't found a GF bread I can eat.)


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