Healthy FALAFEL & TZATZIKI | Vegan Oil Free

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Chickpeas are easily one of the most diverse whole foods out there. I love featuring them as the main component of a recipe because they are deliciously …

43 replies
  1. Mike Dworkin
    Mike Dworkin says:

    Sorry this comment doesn't start out with mindless fawning and gushing like everyone else's. This isn't meant as a critique–I would like to offer a suggestion: after soaking the beans, cook (boil) them for awhile, until they're about half-way cooked, not nearly as soft as canned but on their way (not sure the baking alone fully cooks them, and the boiling gets rid of some of the lectins; also being just a little softer may help hold the falafel/burger pattie together better). I usually keep a big batch of partially cooked garbanzos in the freezer ready to be taken out, finished cooking, in whatever I feel like making, from veggie burgers to some kind of soup, stew, hummus, etc.
    I am a long-time fan of your show; you have helped influence my own cooking, and I've turned friends on to WYW. I'm 99.9% vegan, try to use as little oil as possible, have loved falafels since before you two were born and, at times, have taken a stab at making them oil free (with mixed results). I'm going to try this recipe, with some minor modifications. Thanks D&R, keep up the good work!

  2. Susan Lindsay
    Susan Lindsay says:

    Looks FABULOUS! I will definitely be trying this. Dillon, could you share a bit of information about the countertop Breville oven you're using? Is it an air fryer also? Do you like it? I've been on the search for a good combo over/air fryer for the counter. I bought the Instant Pot version and hated it! So I'm hesitant to buy another one until I hear praises first-hand!! Thanks in advance!!

  3. Candy Warmuth
    Candy Warmuth says:

    Wish I had seen this 3 days ago. I made them without flour, of course they are a bit crumbly. Love how you open up the options of flavors. I rarely measure at 68 no one ever complained. I like your style. Critizing should be off camera, other than that I like the conversation.

  4. Brian Garcia
    Brian Garcia says:

    This is great, i once a month get my falafel kick on at the local greek place. After the falafel, oily hummus and passing on the dairy tazekki i to have a stomach ache. I tried making them with canned chick peas but it was a failure. I am doing this on sunday for sure…. Thanks

  5. Joe Serrano
    Joe Serrano says:

    WOW!!! Drooling as I write this comment, lol…..hmm…makes sense if we make our own falafel, it will be healthier(your recipe)and we don't have to buy those shrimpy-sized falafels that are sold in the freezer section of supermarkets! So loved seeing the size of that giant Falafel and checking my budget so I can get an air fryer pronto! Thumbs up Well Your World, liked and greetings from us here in Mexico! 🙂

  6. Kim Beach
    Kim Beach says:

    Ok guys, you absolutely knocked this outta the park. I made it today. I was scarfing it down like a lil piggy sitting at her trough. Favorite video to date!!


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