Healthy Desi Meal Prep | Meal Prep Series!

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I am back with another meal prep video and this one I am really excited about! Not only was this so much fun to film, but eating everything all week long was …

21 replies
  1. Morning Queens
    Morning Queens says:

    This is not healthy at all. Most of the time you are using tinned/packaged food that is super super super unhealthy. Veggies should always be used fresh and if not, should be boiled lightly and frozen for a max of a week. And way too many spices in that chicken recipe which is again unhealthy.

  2. Shivani K
    Shivani K says:

    Does the food stays fresh and edible by the end of the week? Generally in India we prefer to cook fresh meal everyday… So I am kinda dicey to try this out, as I think cooked rice, upma and curry can get stale by the end of the week… What was your experience ?

  3. `
    ` says:

    1:42 that's a massive amount of ghee/butter. this meal eats like a desert disguised as health food. how is this a healthy meal option? i have yet to see a SINGLE indian dish prepared without high fat or sugar content (that includes the awful white rice touted as "basmati rice!" which is really just candy/a junk refined carb).

  4. sunny s.
    sunny s. says:

    Thankyou so much for showing the bright side of desi foods. There are so many possibilities with it. I was feeling pretty bummed out by looking at all these other meal preps because theres no way we're having just salad for dinner in my house. Thanks for sharing this!

  5. Susy B.
    Susy B. says:

    I love these ideas!! Especially the curry with the eggs! I’ve had something similar but it was Thai style. Thanks for sharing new subscriber hope we can support each other! 💖😊

  6. Enus&Wenis
    Enus&Wenis says:

    yo Im Enus McPee and I think diz is da sweet second comment im leavin on ur channel yeah cool cuz I luv eating nd stuff nd nvr havin to cook or wutever. sumtimes my granny cooks toast its purdy good she makes it with this thing called butter! dats a lot of vegetables tho can u like add choclatae nd stuff 2 tho? cuz dat stuffz purdy healthy tho. Cream of wat? oh yeah butter 4 like toast yo! oh yeh dat YouTuber SpicyBoi shez all about da onions hey do u know wut happened to her tho? but do u half to get okra in dat oklahoma place tho???? yeh its good to half a spicy onion yo! k im gonna maack sum mcdonalds taco bell combo now thanks for da inspiration!


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