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Learn the TOP 5 CARNIVORE MISTAKES: High Quality Animal Foods: Natural Hygiene Products: …

49 replies
  1. Kay Crawford
    Kay Crawford says:

    Okay, so I've tried this recipe a couple of times and I NEED to let you guys know a couple of things.

    1) The crust ratio of crumb to butter to honey did not work for me. It's more of a guessing game – you're looking for a crumbly texture that sticks together when you squish it into a ball. Also, get a coffee bean grinder to break those cookies down into crumbs – it's only like $16.00 and works WAY faster.

    2) You don't need flour in the filling part. Just omit it and it turns out completely normal without having to lessen wet ingredients or anything. Also, use egg yolks instead of whole eggs – definitely works better (again, no need to change up anything else if you are using just the yolks).

    3) I would suggest doubling the filling (but don't double the crust). The crust to filling ratio is off if you just use a single batch. A triple batch gives you the height of a traditional cheesecake slice but the bake is just…off. I can't explain it, just trust me. Also, just do a crust on the bottom of the pan, I think that helps keep the crust to filling ratio perfect.

    4) You absolutely NEED a Bain Marie (steam cooking method in the oven). If you are using a pan that separates in any way (like a spring form pan), you need to wrap the outside in foil just in case there is leaking then put in a large baking pan with boiling water. For those asking, it works best with the cheesecake in the water – a dish of water in the oven next to the cheesecake doesn't seem to do it and the crust will burn on the bottom without the pan in the water.

    5) It does taste JUST like a cheesecake and I am sure you could add flavors or other stuff once you master the basic cheesecake! Have fun experimenting!

    Thank you for this recipe! I LOVE cheesecake but I've been Carnivore since May and I've found my body DOES NOT like when I sneak a slice of cheesecake in. I've definitely had less of a reaction with this cheesecake so I am very happy to have a great alternative to enjoy every once in awhile!

  2. paul mchenry
    paul mchenry says:

    Ok I'm not one to leave comments but .. what the actual fuck?! Ok this so called "cheesecake" would cost you most definitely more than just $30-40! I kinda estimated and it all added up to more like at least $65-70!!!! And I'm sorry Frank but nobody, NO-BODY is going to make this! Not to mention I came out being nothing like cheesecake, but that's really besides the fact that NOBODY in their right mind would ever spend $70 and waste their precious high quality raw ingredients, which most of us can't even afford in the first place!, on a mediocre weird ass cheesecake dupe. Including you Frank. This was the first and last time you've ever made it and you know it. I used to watch your videos when I stopped being Vegan but quickly unsubscribed due to your extremely unrealistic and dishonest bullshit you're putting out. Listen dude, people are living in reality and nobody is going to eat and feed their family high quality grass fed meat & dairy and brains and liver every day. First of all we're not filthy rich and secondly people want food variety and actually would like to enjoy what they're eating. Do you honestly think this is the way you'll eat for the rest of your life? Chowing down on brains & fish eggs and such? How about when or if you'll have a family.. How realistic would that be Frank? You could never afford it and your kids would never be on board eating nothing but raw meat & fish eggs & brains.. I mean.. Come on!!! You just HAVE to know that you're full of shit. And besides, even IF people COULD afford it, which they CAN'T, you don't actually think there's enough high quality grass fed meat & dairy to go around to feed the entire planet, do you??? Yes, Vegans are delusional, but so are you dude! I find both sides to be equally full of shit. As for me and my family (including 3 kids), we try to eat as good as we can, but definitely can not afford to chow down on grass fed meat & dairy every day. Kids also eat a lot, so again.. your ridiculous advice on what to eat is totally delusional as it's unrealistic as hell. Add to that that a lot of people are intolerant to dairy and even eggs and it leaves you with pretty much nothing but meat. Again, not something most of us can afford to and want to eat all day every day. Let alone children! This is real life Frank, we don't live on planet YouTube. Oh and regarding your equally ridiculous video where you go to an Asian market to randomly point at random sea food items you see there.. again no, high quality minimally polluted wild caught sea food is super expensive as well and in no way "so much cheaper than grass fed beef" as you claim. You're really quite "Frankly" (see what I did there.. hehe) just talking out of your ass most of the time, because deep inside you know how delusional and full of shit your advice is. That being said, I'm Italian myself and your whole theory of Italians being short is equally pulled out of your ass. You might wanna look up the facts on that one as well.
    Oh and what's with your constant back & fourth about vitamin A for skin health?! In one video you talk about healing your acne with animal based Vit A and in the other you talk about how you stored too much synthetic Vit A from Accutane in your liver and therefore must go easy on animal Vit A as to not toxify your body.. ??? So in one video you talk about healing your skin with animal based Vit A, aka retinol, after having been on Accutane and how it'll heal your skin and prevent acne, but then you say if you took Accutane you have super high amounts of synthetic retinol stored up in your liver and must therefore go very easy on animal based Vit A as to not toxify your liver further. See the confusion here?? It's really like you're totally talking out of your ass most of the time, just like in this ridiculously high cost "cheesecake"…

  3. coldsalami
    coldsalami says:

    Loool I’m not coming to hate, just tell facts. If you people think eating 7 eggs, 32oz of cream cheese, 1/4 cup of butter, sour cream, etc is healthy, you are all insane 😂. At least they are all good sources of these things, local grass fed whatever, but that doesn’t make it healthy.

  4. Behereandlove
    Behereandlove says:

    Gonna try you recipe 😉
    on another note… you might want to watch out for your teeth being chisled down by the scraping of your fork..I've noticed, that you do that everytime you eat. Your teeth will get worn down, if you continue.

  5. Bubblie BrownJ.R.
    Bubblie BrownJ.R. says:

    I wish I could eat cheese. If I ate that, I'd be curled up in a ball somewhere

    The crust is a great idea for something I'd like to make.

    Please remember the einkorn flour to liquid ratio will not be doubled its usually quadrupled for dishes like yours 4:1. you'll also have to let is sit for a bit to absorb the liquid or you'll use unnecessary flour.
    I use einkorn a lot and through trial and error I've figured it out.

  6. MoonlightDoom
    MoonlightDoom says:

    I may be talking out of my ass here, but I heard that original NY cheesecake had no base. I make my own cream cheese and sour cream and do not have a base. Like making ice cream I do not feel the need to add sweetner. If I do I drizzle raw honey on top. I find it hard to judge when putting it in the raw mix.

  7. earthygirlnut
    earthygirlnut says:

    I’m loving your hair all wild and woolly. Love your sister, she is so tiny. Great high quality cheese cake. I have been trying to find a dairy where I just moved but the best I can do is raw goats milk doesn’t make a lot of cream or good butter. But better than nothing. Keep up the great work!


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