He Puts Seniors On Meat, What Happens Next Is Amazing | Dr. Shawn Baker & Hal Cranmer

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Hal has owned 4 assisted living homes for about 7 years in Phoenix, AZ. They are having success with the carnivore diet and …

36 replies
  1. Martie Flagg
    Martie Flagg says:

    I have stage 3 kidney disease and recently bought a book for a plant based diet bc they say protein from meats are very hard for the kidneys to process. I'm 79. Do you know anything about meat protein and the kidneys?

    A HAMMER says:

    I’m 68 and I have actually thought “ I wonder if I can still be carnivore if I have to go to assisted living”. keep up the good work! maybe theirs hope for me.

  3. Roberta Morrison
    Roberta Morrison says:

    Man! If I ever had to go back into assisted living, I would want to be in one of Hal's residences! I would love to see him teaching how he's doing things, so people could get better care, not just be someone else's cash cow.

  4. Love yøurself And others
    Love yøurself And others says:

    Absolutely love this approach. If the pt. And family want to try to get off meds than MD’s should try! I’m a visiting nurse and people that are on 20-30 meds are so so sick probably from all those chemicals mixing in an elderly body. I love this diet approach. I am just finishing my Nurse Coach program and this whole approach gets me very excited!!! Yay!!!

  5. Julie Olson
    Julie Olson says:

    Retired critical care nurse, and lifelong sugar addict; I became an alcoholic for 15 months at age 51, went through treatment, and have been sober for 14 years. My initial denial of alcoholism evaporated when I heard a counsellor casually mention how many of the worst alcoholics were severe sugar addicts as children. As a child I existed on sugar. I haven't thought about alcohol since I got sober, but I thought about sugar EVERY DAY. That is, until I went on a carnivore diet 3 months ago, with one day per week of fruits and veggies (for a protein fast for autophagy). I will incorporate more veggies as I see fit, but limit fruit to 1day per week. I never even think about eating anymore! My weight is stable for the first time in my life. My brain fog is gone! I take no prescription meds, and my labs are perfect. Sugar addiction is a very real trap to fall into in life, and it only intensifies as you get older. Thank you so much for bringing this to light, and helping these people who desperately need an advocate like you!

  6. Kelli Bodony
    Kelli Bodony says:

    I've been a carnivore for six months, now increasing my fat and also intermittently fast from 8pm every night until lunch the next day. I've lost 20lbs and easily maintain my weight and sometimes struggle to keep it up. I started adding back plain full-fat Greek yogurt with a few blackberries and a bit of natural honey. That allows me a "desert" to satisfy, not a sweet craving but just a psychological need for something different. I am insulin sensitive though, others might gain weight from it. It is trial and error to see what works for each person. I do feel so much better and my autoimmune issues are practically gone.

  7. lja000
    lja000 says:

    Such an interesting discussion. My 88 year old mom would buy that damn Ensure or Boost all the time, and would not listen to me about how bad they were until just recently. I would tell her she would have more nutrition if she squirted chocolate syrup in a glass of whole milk! At least it would be cheaper. Lol. And the sweets she would eat…cookies and ice cream. It’s been hard to get her to stay off that amount of sugar but we are getting there. I need to up her meat and fish intake though.

  8. elsa Grace
    elsa Grace says:

    I find is gross that the host wears his gym clothes to do his interviews. Like really dude, we know it’s just to show off your big guns. Sad that that is a major tenet of your identity.

  9. Lord King Eye Ames
    Lord King Eye Ames says:

    This Lords wants yah to Know many oF u doctors R headed to Th Lake oF Fire, doctor means to Teach, what have u Taught mi Children on Earth while Th Lord Was gone, death is What u Taught, doctors and hospitals R outside nature, unNatural, hospitals and doctors Should go Away before This Lord gets moor pissy and becomes pure vinegar At u Low Vibrational devils, i Created man perfect then man Leaves Th garden, Eats invented GMO man Foods that make man Sick Cause Th Food is not nature, Then man comes up with Cures For man and his Sick Food his Sickness with Pills and medicines outside oF nature man made medicines to help mans death Even Faster, yall Know better When it is Judgement time yor heart must be weighed For what u doctors have done heer

  10. Sun Jewel
    Sun Jewel says:

    You should hire certified nurse case and utilization managers to work with the insurances. They’re capable of applying medical rationale to billing in order to maximize coverage. It’s all about the best practices. Good luck!

  11. Donna Csuti
    Donna Csuti says:

    Humans are not carnivores! Only small part of the diet should be meat ( maybe 25%) piece of meat lean no breading the size of your palm.. You will destroy your kidneys ( especially if you're old) if you eat too much meat and also not great for your liver . It is true older people are overmedicated. Ice cream etc ok in moderation. Yes include vegetables and fruit and we need the vitamins in cereal and bread.

  12. Sabina Donofrio
    Sabina Donofrio says:

    Funny that your dog barks while you're talking about those idiot smokers.
    Why do you allow then in your home?
    They should have coffins for them so that they can smoke in their own coffins instead of polluting the environment making others sick with their diahrea.
    Duh!!! I hate smokers

  13. Greywolf
    Greywolf says:

    There is no universal diet we should all be on. Thousands of years ago TCM doctors understood different body types should eat differently. It’s great people are having temporary success but carnivore diets have almost no antioxidants but whatever sheep listen to sheep

  14. Gayle Fynaut
    Gayle Fynaut says:

    My grandma had Parkinson’s in her thirties. I’m 63 now and she was in a wheelchair when I was probably 5. I can’t remember when she passed. My dad passed from it in his sixties. I have a brother (60) and a sister (64) who are both in the later stages of Parkinson’s. Me and my other brother, so far are still free from it.

  15. Let Truth Prevail
    Let Truth Prevail says:

    My mother had her gallbladder removed and a cut bile duct that caused problems for about 10 years and I wonder if this could have helped her. I’m worried about my root canals caused from clenching.

  16. Julie Kemp
    Julie Kemp says:

    I've just resumed an effort to try for longer than 2 weeks of first try 6 months ago. I'm 74 and female and have found my sweet-tooth a tad bothersome (dark choc almonds) and my carb count had hit 100g range daily. Aches and pains, lethargy, headiness, also features. I think your videos which spontaneously cropped up again have re-lit my interest and upped my confidence. I liked this video especially given i have a nursing background not in elder care or similar, and enjoying how one chap transmuted into being such an excellent champion of real care for his charges! Thanks Doc. I'm Australian and live in rural Queensland. No luck to date finding 'my kind of doctor' locally as yet! Thanks Doc!


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