Having A5 Wagyu at an Individual BBQ Grill Restaurant

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Solo A5 Wagyu Dining at a Japanese BBQ Grill Restaurant.

41 replies
  1. Brooke's Friend
    Brooke's Friend says:

    OMG that truffle oil looked sooooo good. The egg yolks in there were beautiful. Usually I give a hard pass on the majority of things you enjoy eating (hot & spicy things😹) but I would eat ALL of that 👍. DeLish 😋

  2. Sara G.
    Sara G. says:

    This is amazing. In the US you’d have some Grandma Karen bitching it’s discrimination against old people who don’t attempt to learn how to use any devises.

  3. Unravel
    Unravel says:

    I love the individual food places in Japan like this grill/bbq place, ramen, sushi, etc. I really like the idea of being able to enjoy the food myself and eating alone. Maybe cuz of my social anxiety, but man I'm vibing with Japan

  4. D Raff
    D Raff says:

    The Wagyu meats look delicious but the salad looked incredible – the lettuce was so fresh. I like your choice of the lemon drink. I do T know if this style restaurant would do well in the States. Thank you DancingBacons.

  5. Evan
    Evan says:

    This really is a brilliant business model. Thinly sliced wagyu beef, you figure several meal's worth out of one big peace. Rice and veggies are relatively inexpensive. A few slices costs 25+ dollars which might be the cost of maybe half the portion that it is being sliced from. AND you cook it yourself which reduces the cost of labor for staff to cook it for you. Finally, you cook it the way you want it. Genius. Steak houses in general are pretty good business models.


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