Harvesting My No-Dig (Ruth Stout) Potato Bed | Did I Out Do Last Years Yield?

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AcreHomestead #NoDiGarden #RuthStout Instagram https://www.instagram.com/acrehomestead/ @Acre Homestead This was a great experiment trying out …

47 replies
  1. Vicki Otmani
    Vicki Otmani says:

    I’m so happy you saved those bunny babies!!!!! 😭 I uncovered a mouse nest in my compost pile when I was turning it with a pitchfork and I cried FOR DAYS. I You are spot on with your values of life and garden ecosystems ❤️

  2. Southern Yankee
    Southern Yankee says:

    I think your right on the water. Also I heard potatoes they are heavy feeders. I added some compost a couple times through the season. Put the babies back and cover and momma bunny will come back and move them. She will smell they were disturbed and she will move them. We had this happen at our house one year too. I bet by tomorrow morning when you look the babies will be moved and safe. The mom will come back she won’t abandon them so don’t worry. Also tiny potatoes are the best they kinda pop in your mouth 👄

  3. Dana M.
    Dana M. says:

    If your red potatoes are Pontiacs they are a 70 day variety so with care you could get another crop in and out before the year's end. P.S. remember the stores charge EXTRA for those little spuds.
    Yes! Bunnies are essential to the life cycle of nature. My own adrenaline spiked remembering a couple of similar circumstances in my life.

  4. Courtney Wilcox
    Courtney Wilcox says:

    This gave me a great idea for an area of the garden that’s too rocky that I wanted to plant in next year . Totally doing the layering “laganga” garden in that spot . Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. Barbara G.
    Barbara G. says:

    I would be emotional, too. Praying they are ok. Those things happen. Will be waiting to hear if you noticed Mama came back to them. I have a bunny that comes under the fence, several times a day and eats my grass. I don't mind. He's cute to watch and I'm providing some food for him… makes me happy. Potatoes: it's like an Easter egg hunt!!! What a wonderful harvest you had!! love, hugs,prayers.

  6. Melissa Elliott
    Melissa Elliott says:

    Lawd it was like watching myself with them bunnies ❤️…
    My potatoes failed miserably because we had super drastic weather changes weekly. I've done them in pots on my covered porch and had better success.

  7. Sonia Jung
    Sonia Jung says:

    I’d say it was a combination of not enough water and harvesting too early. I wait until my plants are really yellow/brown before I harvest. Your plants were still too green.

  8. MS Living w Lupus Life
    MS Living w Lupus Life says:

    I loved how excited you were when harvesting your potatoes. I’m sure the bunnies will be fine. I love your channel and the fact that you care so much and even got emotional ( I did too) from the bunny encounter made you that much more lovable ❤️

  9. Nancy Hannah
    Nancy Hannah says:

    Just leave the bunnies in same spot and cover them. Mom only feeds them 1-2 times a day, early am and dusk. Then covers and leaves them. I have bunnies all over this year. They will leave the nest in about 2 weeks. There are a few bunny yt videos' out there. No truth to the scent factor. Often people mow right over nests, just looks like a flat patch of dead grass.

  10. mrspogadaeus
    mrspogadaeus says:

    The babies will be fine. Don't freak. The mother leaves the babies all day to go forage. She nurses them as soon as she gets back. She doesn't even know what you did because she's nowhere nearby. It's fine.

  11. mrspogadaeus
    mrspogadaeus says:

    Some of the ones you miss could grow back next year. I had a small cluster survive a pretty cold winter in a raised bed that I was no longer going to use, so I left it just to see what comes up.

  12. Jen Perry
    Jen Perry says:

    mama rabbits are pretty dedicated. We had one make a nest in our firepit a couple years ago, and we only discovered it when one of our dogs tore the nest apart. I'll spare you the details, but we got most of them recovered, put the fur back and put chicken wire all around the firepit except for a small opening close to the ground by the nest. And we never let the dogs outside without us. Mama continued to care for her babies and raised them up and they went on their merry way. Fingers crossed your bunfam is frolicking about soon!

  13. Joy Yanuzzelli
    Joy Yanuzzelli says:

    Try waiting until the plants are completely shriveled and brown. And yes, a couple of extra waterings may have helped. My rule is, if it doesn't rain in 5 days I'll water, but I'm in Florida where it's very warm

  14. Anne Shirley
    Anne Shirley says:

    I'm relatively new to potato growing too. Some feedback that I got from last year was that if the roots are too hot they don't produce as well. I had mine in containers but I wonder if the heat you had this summer impacted them more, not being buried. We don't eat a ton of potatoes either but I was looking into shredding/freezing them for hash Browns and dehydrating them for o'gratin. Haven't done it yet but crossed my fingers maybe next year.

  15. Louise Thorne
    Louise Thorne says:

    You can make a root cellar in you’re garage there keep potatoes in a flat box on garage floor and cover with blanket keep light out. I did that for potatoes sweet and red potatoes and squash .

  16. Nanka Du toit
    Nanka Du toit says:

    I feel your emotions about the bunnies, my daughter had similar experience with mols pulled up a grassbunch and accidentally desturbed the nest mommy was also not there but babies was fine she also just let them be and covered the nest. Im sooo proud of you for leaving them be in your garden, u will be blessed. God bless and Im big fan of no till gardening, good work🤗

  17. robyn mize
    robyn mize says:

    I think that is an awesome harvest! I never buy seed potatoes. I just save some back from the store… let them chit in dry soil in a pot inside… then plant them in 5 gallon buckets. So what i get… i consider free food. Dont worry about the baby bunnies. If you ever watch a few you tube videos on rabbit nests…. its amazing how the mom buries them in a hole. Digs them up to feed them. Then reburies them. They are resilient. Thanks for sharing all that. Loved it.

  18. 123bex
    123bex says:

    I LOVE tiny potatoes! You can boil them so quickly and serve with just butter and salt and they are delicious. The skins are so thin and tender. I think you did great! Love your videos x

  19. Anointed Woman Essentials
    Anointed Woman Essentials says:

    I have not extensively studied Ruth Stout, but the Ruth Stout methods that I have studied Always seem to focus on maximum ease instead of maximum harvest. If you worked the same amount on last year’s potatoes as you did on this year’s potatoes then I would say in your area raised bed growing is definitely the way to go.

  20. Marilyn Ruggeberg
    Marilyn Ruggeberg says:

    Don't worry about the Baby Bunnies. I did the same thing a few years ago while weeding my flower beds. I checked on them the next day, Mama had moved them. A week later I saw the babies running through my other flower beds. 🥰🥰🥰

  21. KimiyeML Smallgardendream
    KimiyeML Smallgardendream says:

    I love your videos. Great job. I’m glad to grow 5 potatoes not 5 lbs just 5 free from store bought lol we don’t eat potatoes being low carb keto . Becky bless your heart if you can promote life don’t apologize. 💞💞💞💞💞

  22. Wildheart Old Soul Tribe
    Wildheart Old Soul Tribe says:

    You are so sweet with your tender heart for the baby bunnies. I love that. I think that we are meant to be caretakers of what God has given us, and to share the earth as best we can. God cares for and provides for the sparrow..why
    shouldn't we as well? We were given dominion over the animals and part of that is caring for our earth and its creation when we can.

  23. Mary Reynolds
    Mary Reynolds says:

    Hi ya Becky, good to see you again! Ya, I was again MIA for a bit…I will try better, promise!
    I think your so sweet, and I love that you love animals so..don’t you change! The bunnies should be just fine since you didn’t touch them. That mama bunny has seen you as you spent so much time in the garden. She should still take care of her babies for that reason too…don’t you stress yourself. 🙂
    Hey, great potato harvest!! 🙌 🙌


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