Hard work Changed my SITUATION

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Hard work Changed my SITUATION #kellyclarkson #amazon #breakaway Chorus: I’ll spread my wings, and I’ll learn how to fly I’ll …

29 replies
  1. Rain Country
    Rain Country says:

    Well done Tessie! When we started our channel we were going through a very difficult time that was also very scary. We had no idea what the future had in store for us at that point. Amazon was a way we could help keep our bills paid (let alone get some compensation for the hard work and many hours poured into creating videos) during that hard time we were going through. There will always be those that want to point fingers and judge others based on their own morality but will be blind to the corporations they choose to support. They are all incredibly hypocritical. I think what it boils down to is some of those people just NEED to find something negative about what you do or what I do because it makes them feel better about their own choices. Besides, it is much easier for them to point out what they perceive as wrong in others while totally ignoring the areas in their own lives they could be working to better themselves. Let alone the fact that many of these same people that can glean your information without any cost to them seem to think you should not get paid for what you do but would they be willing to work a full time job for free? You better bet they wouldn't!

  2. Lola R
    Lola R says:

    I think it's great to see that hard work pays off! That's the point of hard work, isn't it? Why would life continue being the same and not show improvement? You can be so proud of yourself Tess! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

  3. Vagabond Jane
    Vagabond Jane says:

    Good on you, Tessie! I’m so proud of you and all you’ve accomplished! And, I’m so thankful for the things you share with us! I don’t understand the nasties and why they have to attack others- I just can’t understand that. But, I’m truly grateful for you. You’ve helped me hang on through a couple of the hardest years I’ve had. I look forward to seeing you everyday! And what a commitment that schedule is! You are doing good things and important work here. May the Lord Bless you mightily! Much love!

  4. debbie newman
    debbie newman says:

    I enjoyed your video. You have been an inspiration to many of us. God is leading you on your path. No one else can walk in your shoes and I am proud of you and your information that you share.

  5. Carole Pracitto
    Carole Pracitto says:

    God bless you Tessie…you and your hubby have worked so hard for all you have…you deserve all you have and are getting…I understand you..I am the same…nothing handed to me…you don't owe anyone a apology or explanation….there will always be envious and negative and judgemental people….love your channel…you are a hard working lady…many more years of health and happiness

  6. Fred Sanford
    Fred Sanford says:

    This Video should be a tutorial on how to handle those being critical. Most rant and rave, moan and fuss, but not this channel! No name calling, no rants against attitudes, just common sense explanation of why you do what you do. Very Well Done! Loved that last line that you won't even remember who complained in the years to come.

  7. Cheryl Adame
    Cheryl Adame says:

    Tessie, more power to you girl 🤗 you just keep being you! Yes, life is a journey. It’s wonderful to see your hard work paying off for you & your family, and so wonderful to see you excepting the blessing~ I think that’s a very healthy attitude. btw: I’m one of those people that really enjoy seeing you review products. Peace & Love to you always 💐

  8. Laura Painter
    Laura Painter says:

    Sweetie I absolutely love you and what you stand for….. And I love how you say that it is by hard work that you are where you are today…. Do you mind sweetie if I ask a question…. You mentioned that you work at Amazon….. Are you able to work at Amazon from home? I was just wondering if you have to leave the homestead or you are able to stay home…. Please live your life how you see fit!! There are those of us who love you for it!! You're beautiful inside and out!!

  9. Richard Schmidt
    Richard Schmidt says:

    You owe NO ONE an apology!!!!! Your heart is still your heart!!! Nothing's changed, as far as we're concerned! We need to be good stewards and looking ahead is really important! Be pre-pared! Good for you, dear! 🙂 Dawn @ Rich & Dawn in MN 🙂

  10. Jan Sutton
    Jan Sutton says:

    Oh my goodness, Tessie! What a sad statement on where we are in this world. You have worked very hard for the money you earn and how wonderful that you were able to pay that huge debt off so quickly. Glad to see you and Ken are finally able to treat yourselves to improvements around the place after all these years of frugal living. I'm tired of seeing people apologize to these bullies and I'm glad that you are not giving in to that. Take care!

  11. Joanie Schwartz
    Joanie Schwartz says:

    Somehow the generations of today believe that money is the root of all evil, and that hard work should not be rewarded. It is a communist think…It is not money that is the root but the love of it that corrupts the soul…Another very well spoken, wie and thought provoking video….for those who have ears to hear and a heart to receive!

  12. Betty Riggs
    Betty Riggs says:

    It would be wonderful to shop American made, local only, organic, home grown, home made only but it is probably impossible. If anyone can, I say more power to them. I don't shop online but simply because of "corruption" (fear) whatever. My daughter orders for me occasionally. It's sad that we live in a world that is so critical of what we do. I have lived most of my life frugally and am quite happy with the accomplishments we have made. Some probably think why don't you do this, buy that, live here. We don't need all of that. Pride is a sin but I believe that God will allow ME to be proud of YOU for being independent and not craving charity. 💯


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