Happy Thanksgiving! – Spend Thanksgiving With Us

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We missed Miss Cindy a lot, but we had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, God bless …

39 replies
  1. @pamelamozuch7787
    @pamelamozuch7787 says:

    From the beginning of video First Giggles going on That’s a loving bond Walk through woods The moss, leaves crunching the beautiful crystal clear water flowing the water sound This is God’s beautiful creation This is amazing Those feathers y’all found? They might mean something The Hawk above wonderful The talk y’all shared about gratefulness to us Amen 🙏 Thank you The cat you found ? Maybe a gift to you from your passed loved one Cindy who loved cats I’m so so sorry about her passing But with all heart I think it was her who sent you Binks. By the way amazing that’s the name of my Niece’s cat Binks She got that name from Hocus Pocus movie lol. The chopping of wood wow! How he saved the shavings and gather them and put them first to start fire The making of Pie awesome the sharing together music ending. Now I viewed this beautiful clip of Thanksgiving through iPhone UTUBE. with get this lol. For better close up and what I seen? I USED A HAND HELD MAGNIFYING GLASS. Wow! It’s amazing for what I see and I have good vision it’s just sometimes when I want to see something that is important to me and meaningful on UTUBE. I use a magnifying glass hand held I can not afford a Laptop right now other what I got is my phone. My tv is small But I’m grateful for what I have Finally you ask what are we grateful for? I can honestly say Our Heavenly Father and his Son Christ Jesus for everything in my life. And that goes with him giving me all my Blessings in life. Then finally You The Pressley sisters who came into my life yesterday
    11/28/23. How I found you on the internet I have no clue Y’all just came from UTUBE which I’m on off and on I’m grateful for you sweet sisters to share your amazing beautiful priceless stories for us me. Thank you The walk through the woods and seeing everything those huge leaves rocks water everything was me and what I stop at life and just take one moment in time to never take life for granted Even the simplest things as to that owls feather crunch crunch through the woods with your sister the love You know here is my saying We are born into this world with nothing right? Then at the end of your time you get to take all these precious moments memories with you. If anyone ever heard this from anyone it’s actually not my own gotta be honest here lol. It’s from the movie classic GHOST with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore. Ending of movie he says it’s remarkable how u get to take it with you all the memories the love. He in movie was on his beautiful journey lit with beautiful light lifted up to Heaven I cried but I always remembered the powerful saying at the end of movie. Ok sorry my story long Ty again

  2. @elijahgrindstaff9561
    @elijahgrindstaff9561 says:

    Talking about being grateful. I use to always say “ I have to go to work” but as you say some people can’t. So now I try to say “I get to go to work”. Things can change in an instant, so always be grateful. I’m a blessed man, great wife, a healthy child, a warm dry place to sleep, supper on the table everyday. What more can a man ask for. Thank you Lord.

  3. @susanbeal3253
    @susanbeal3253 says:

    I made a goal a couple of months ago to start praying on my way to work each morning instead of listening to the radio, it’s not a long drive but I take that time at the beginning of each day to thank God for my blessings and to pray for family, friends, people on the internet 😉 that feel like friends and family… and starting the day that way in that set aside time has helped with my attitude, my anxiety, and just generally makes me feel better about life. I pray other times too, but having this routine of starting my day thanking God from whom all blessings flow has really helped me. God bless you all and Happy Thanksgiving ❤❤❤

  4. @lauraklein1941
    @lauraklein1941 says:

    You two are mature beyond measure. I lost my Mother in Feb. Thanksgiving was her holiday. She'd have 25 people for dinner. It was terrible without her this year. I did what you're doing – we remembered all of the good times and were so thankful for a Mother like mine:)
    Keep up the good work – just love listening to you two:)

  5. @Kimberley_Black_White_TV
    @Kimberley_Black_White_TV says:

    The second y'all started playing, I knew it was Miss Cindy's Waltz! And I've not been around much, lately so I'm proud of myself. Thank you for always sharing with us. I've been so sick lately, and I've been kind of blue. But seeing you young ladies and your sweet love really has helped me. xo

  6. @beckystjohn3011
    @beckystjohn3011 says:

    Did you see the little cave behind you at the creek? It looks like a empty beaver home. Also I just watched The Blind, Robertson family story. Duck Dynasty show family. It was so moving and very exciting to see the end. Thank you for reminders about God's special ways He takes care of us!! You are blessing the memory of your sweet Miss Cindy as you show the love she helped cultivate and taught you how to hold Jesus in your hearts and minds, she had to be so proud of you. I can see her telling all of her friends in Heaven the great things she learned from God while on Earth and what you are doing to honor God and share the love!

  7. @m.g.7194
    @m.g.7194 says:

    Gosh, I miss my Mom and Dad. This was my second Thanksgiving without them. It doesn't get easier being all alone, but I'm trying because I know that's what they would want me to do.

  8. @craftlover9702
    @craftlover9702 says:

    The waltz is absolutely beautiful!! The Holidays can definitely be a difficult time and a reminder of those no longer with us. Both my Sister, Brother and I have all lost our mates as well as both our parents and a nephew. The chairs at the table have become less and less over time. We do our best to move forward but the holidays definitely bring it all to the forefront. We do our best to count our blessings, make new memories and savor the old ones. Both of you have so much wisdom and empathy for as young as you are… Your parents did a wonderful job raising you! Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. @phyllispitts6656
    @phyllispitts6656 says:

    Y’all are being the giggle twins today!🤣😂. I will say you two are wise beyond your years. Please don’t ever let yourselves, or anyone else take away that wonder from you! That to is a gift from God.

  10. @mce6328
    @mce6328 says:

    beautiful girls u too r like a breath of fresh air when the day seems gloomy in here my part of the world love the closeness u have never really been close to anyone here on earth till my kids n grandbabies n now my kids r grows up n doing there on things a part of life i suppose i’m the youngest twin at birth 15 mins younger in development almost a month younger lost my mom 3 wks after diagnosis during lock down that was hard to afraid to give her 19 we tried to stay away till last few days i didn’t make it to her before she passes that was worst pain anyways i live saying i’ll see her again she with Jesus its not my time yet!!! btw thanks for prayers i think my hip is finally on the mend 6 1/2 months after surgery thanks to all the prayers praise the Lord!!! ❤❤❤

  11. @chubs1701
    @chubs1701 says:

    Happy Thanksgiving your family makes me and my wife very happy to see a christan family having fun and enjoying life thank you for the videos y'all do and God Bless Y'all Always 🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


    Yes. There is a lot of suffering here on earth, but I believe that God uses it for good. His plans maximize our sufferings to bring about the fullness of his good will, through the least amount of sufferings possible; for the fewest people ❤

  13. @angelenemclane955
    @angelenemclane955 says:

    Katy same thing happened to me about stray cat. I didnt speak cat, but didnt have choice when this little kitty came, learned she was pregnant, she had 3 kittens, two were adopted out onne my daughter Angela.Now another has decided wanted to visit me, it is so sweetbut its not gonna be added to family. I feed it receive its lovin. I have twin doggies they love kitties so when outside the 3 of them enjoy doggie kitty friendship.
    Love hearing you ladies play.
    Happy Thanksgiving to all of your family.


    Katie 46 years ago, I had a kitty. Like you I didn't know much about them. I was out of milk and gave it some straight canned evaporated milk. Then took it shopping in the mall with me. Right at the check out register, in the middle of that transaction, kitty wanted DOWN!! It had a very embarrassing accident down my jeans and into the store's carpet 🤭 Oh the smell!! Don't make that mistake 🤯


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