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Hey guys! Thank you for all of your love and support in 2021. It has meant the world to Sophie and me. I appreciate you more than …

21 replies
  1. Beryl Boerger
    Beryl Boerger says:

    well, i think i speak for more viewers than just my self. you provide a wonderful, warm, homey visit as one would have with a good friend. so, thank you for taking the time, and the effort, to make these vlogs inviting each one of us into your home. may 2021 be a very good year for you.

  2. Ken Yott
    Ken Yott says:

    Happy New Year, Adelina! Thank you for sharing a part of your life with us. I told my wife that watching you is like visiting a neighbor or close friend and I’ve just stopped by for a few minutes to see how you and Sophie are doing (and maybe get a recipe idea from you for the instant pot my wife & daughter gave me for Christmas). Your videos may not cure cancer, but speaking as someone about your age receiving ongoing treatment for an incurable cancer, your videos bring me so much happiness and a much needed distraction. I think many of us would be surprised at the impact our words and actions can have on others which is why we should always strive to be kind. Life is short! I hope 2022 will be good to you (& the rest of us) and I look forward to a year of adventure. Thanks again, my friend, for making me smile and laugh and for being a kindred spirit. Sincerely, Ken. ❤

  3. belieftransformation
    belieftransformation says:

    Happy New Year blessings for a wonderful year for your family from ours! Thanks for sharing! Great inspiration! I made your wonderful instant pot rice pudding & we loved it. I used rice milk because that’s what I had😉 🤗❤️🇨🇦

  4. Jan Furr
    Jan Furr says:

    Happy New Year to you as well. I consider you a friend even though we will probably never meet, but I look forward to hearing from you twice a week. You are very comforting to me. I wish you all the best in 2022, and I can't wait to go along on your adventures.

  5. Joan Smith
    Joan Smith says:

    I am so grateful for you and all I have learned from you this year, cheers! Happy New Year! Your words for the new year are inspiring and I wish you abundance in all your endeavours. My words for 2022 are also gratitude, and perseverance. There is so much potential ahead for adventure and transformation in the new year

  6. Brigitte Crawley
    Brigitte Crawley says:

    I feel the same way that we are friends who meet for coffee and conversation. I hope one day I will meet you in person. I look forward to your adventures and if I plan and execute that plan I hopefully will have a van to travel in by the end of 2022. I am grateful for your channel because you inspire me so much. Have a wonderful New Year’s Eve and Happy New Year my friend.

  7. Will Gray
    Will Gray says:

    Happy New Year. Wishing you all the best in 2020. As my college statistics professor used to tell us before he handed out our exams…."Rather than wishing you good luck, I'll just say, may all the variables over which you have no control be in your favor."

  8. Hazel Legate
    Hazel Legate says:

    Wishing you an appreciative and adventurous 2022! 😃 I appreciate discovering you and your channel, Adelina. Your values seem to match mine. I’m certainly learning to be a better cook from your videos! Thanks for that! 
    I keep a Gratitude Journal but I’ve also written some my gratitudes on slips of paper gathered in a basket; on hard days I can dip in to read a few and be thankful again. ♥️
    Adventure is in our vocabulary again too after almost 2 years since our last trip. Our cargo van conversion is currently taped out on our kitchen floor! LOL

    May 2022 be kind to ALL of us and to our Mother Earth. 🌎


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