Happy Cinco de Mayo Taco Tuesday From Tennessee || Daily Vlog Day 43

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Adding to the chicken coop, continuing the cornhole boards, and missing authentic Mexican food since leaving California.

13 replies
  1. Kristy N
    Kristy N says:

    Do the kids like it out there I heard you say in the last vlog they don't ever go anywhere just curious how they adjusted we plan to move out of CA my fear is how they will adjust

  2. Amy Mount
    Amy Mount says:

    Oh my gosh! The Mexican food in California!! We miss that so much!! What is up with the white queso they put on everything in Indiana Mexican restaurants?! You want to just ask the waiter if they eat this stuff?? It’s amazing what they try and sell you as “Mexican” food out here!! It sounds like TN is the same!! Thanks for the salsa and margarita recipes!! Pig cracks us up when he/she/they 🙂 makes an appearance!!

  3. Brad Umholtz
    Brad Umholtz says:

    Happy Cinco De Mayo! I’ve never had that drink you speak of. Back in IL we had authentic Mexican food, but when I moved to Az, to my surprise, not so much. Love the pig! Please keep interviewing him/her.


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