HACKS to Make Life in the Kitchen EASIER

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If you are struggling to stay consistent with healthy eating, you’ve GOT to try these tips! Leave a comment letting me know which …

21 replies
  1. BJoyP
    BJoyP says:

    I haven’t been tempted once to stop for any fast food since I started this method of preparation for my meals. You always have the best tips and suggestions. And my Instant Pot is finally my friend. 😊 I just wish I had a bigger freezer!

  2. Genie W-F
    Genie W-F says:

    Thank you for all your practical advice! I like that you move along and give so many great common sense tips to help us all eat better by putting a little upfront work into the process. It really does make a huge difference to have everything all set to go. Thanks again!

  3. Trina Marie TV
    Trina Marie TV says:

    Thank you Maddie for this great video. I will use all these hacks because I'm always trying to come up with something to eat for dinner. I'm just beginning to meal prep and it's really helpful. I just have to stay consistent.😊

  4. Cavena Vasagam
    Cavena Vasagam says:

    I didn't know you can freeze lemon zest. Game changer. Thank you, Maddie. Labeling is another thing I need to work on. 😂
    Garam masala, chat masala, roasted hot chilli powder, all spice are all spice blends.

  5. Maggie Wickwire
    Maggie Wickwire says:

    Most items are still good after the “expiration “ date. Best by dates can certainly be extended. Use your five senses to help determine when something truly needs to be trashed. I’ve been doing this for many years. I’ve never gotten sick, and save money and food waste. Those dates are guidelines and the government/companies just covering their you-know-whats.

  6. Betty Horn
    Betty Horn says:

    My husband and I just prepped our food for the week last night. It makes mealtime a cinch! We're having "fried" rice for dinner and all it's going to take is mixing and heating. All the components are already cooked even! I'm loving this! And you are such an inspiration!

  7. Delvie Larken
    Delvie Larken says:

    Great ideas – thanks! One thing I do being a solo prepper is to pick a week's default food "almost always potato and salad" and have that for dinner for three days and for the others I do two days of leftovers (frozen prep from prior weeks) and two days of new prep. For lunch on the non potato days I usually do a salad so I just need to come up with three lunches that are usually a wrap or burrito. It might seem like a lot of repeats but different sauces make a huge difference. For example creamed potatoes and peas with an oriental orange salad is totally different than baked potato with ranch salad. Breakfast for me is usually the same everyday but Sundays – waffle day!

  8. Scott G.
    Scott G. says:

    When it comes to batches, some things REALLY lend themselves to it more. You had mentioned in a past video making pancakes and waffles in batch and freezing them. Their shape stores well, and most of the work is in the prep and cleanup, so best to get that done ONCE.

    Edit: ah, you covered that at the end here too!

  9. Scott G.
    Scott G. says:

    My favorite: silicone muffins trays (especially jumbo.) You can freeze a whole bunch of anything – soups, chili, beans, grains, etc. – and then remove the little hockey pucks when frozen and move to a different container. You then get uniform sizes and can grab "two chili and one rice" for a meal.


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