Guess what Happened at the Mennonite Store // What I bought!

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whippoorwillholler #homesteading #simplelife #gardening #canning #cooking Lori Brown po box …

27 replies
  1. Pretty Noona
    Pretty Noona says:

    I also support my local orchards, farmers and markets. I enjoy the friendly atmosphere and good quality of produced each place offers… this year I am planting a lot of of goodies outback and hope to have a good harvest enough to share with some of my neighbors. I also got a big and healthy compost that I will be using for planting.
    Anyways, I enjoyed looking at all the goodies that you got on your outing. Sending warm wishes for you both, from West Virginia 🤗

  2. Mary
    Mary says:

    You better stay out of that store. You have way too much fun there. lol!

    When I read the many comments, I really miss the old days, only I wasn’t there, but I wish I had been. My Daddy told me his first memory was of him getting a bath in the front yard in a washtub by his big sister and a cousin. He was probably about three.

  3. Pinsch Runner
    Pinsch Runner says:

    Popping corn is different than eating corn. Hmmm dont think I would grind it up. Good job on the candy/herb jar purchase! My brothers baby shoes were golden, mine bronze…. The fruit painted dessert dishes are gorgeous! We are only spending on necessities these days

  4. MiChelle Jaggard
    MiChelle Jaggard says:

    Those jars don't have seals on them, I take and run a couple of rounds of the blue painters tape around the rim of the jar lid and it will fit snugly in the jar and keep moisture out and you will be able to pull it off easily with out sticky residue when you need to because it is painters tape not masking tape. Maybe on the enamel ware you could put some clear finger nail polish on the spots that have the rust spots to stop them from getting any larger?

  5. pdortiz12
    pdortiz12 says:

    Ms Brown, I'm new to your channel. My name is Pam, I'm from Louisville, KY. I am enjoying your channel and your teaching. Just wanted to introduce myself and say Thank you!

  6. Susan Mcknight
    Susan Mcknight says:

    Oh Ms Lori .I am so thankful that I watched your video today ,just when I needed it .GOD is so good . I've been really down in the dumps lately . One of the reasons is my eldest grandson has been staying with me and about 2 months ago a close friend he went to school with needed a place to stay .His brother whom he lived with had passed away suddenly ,so he went to Iowa to live .It didn't work out and when he came back to Arkansas his family didn't want him to stay with them .It's sad cause he's a good boy . I couldn't see him out on the street.However ,being on SS it's rough trying to come up with food to feed them and I just can't stand that. I have always enjoyed cooking and feeding folks, always had plenty from the garden plus wild game and fish until I got sick and disabled. I know the good LORD provides but I just couldn't get that off my mind,worry and still struggle over it. I finally realized recently that I was being ridiculous to worry so about it and to really trust the LORD like I say I do.Then I started feeling so ashamed because I know there are so many folks that are in much worse circumstancesand I'm still ashamed .My grandson and his friend have been looking for jobs and today found out that there's a good chance he will be hired at a plant on Monday .Still praying for his friend. Anyway I sure would of liked to have been with you on your shopping trip. I love stores like that ,flea marjets and old stuff . I would rather have something old over new things any day. I would of also been looking for old vintage crochet magazines. The plates,basins and stuff you got were indeed a find . The little plaque with the hummingbird is delightful and I bet Mr Brown will love the oil cans. When I was little ,it was the custom for some folks to have Baby shoes dipped in bronze. The ones you found were probably cherished by someone once. I know this was long winded Ms Lori .Thank you so much for the comfort and kindness you give For me it is priceless .💛

  7. Diane Weikel
    Diane Weikel says:

    Miss Lori, Can butter be left out of the refrigerator? If so, how long will it last? Love your tulips!! How will you keep the deer from eating them? I have such a problem planting flowers because the deer love just about everything I try to get growing.


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