Growing Up with Depression Era Frugality #depressionera #moneysavingtips #frugalliving

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15 replies
  1. Linda C Grace
    Linda C Grace says:

    My dad spent every summer of his youth on his Uncle's farm in Arkansas. There were only a few foods that everybody had in abundance: watermelon, corn, and lima beans. To the end of his days, he wouldn't tough any of them! 🤣 He'd had FAR too much of it as a child. The part of his story that freaked my kids out was discovering that they used corn cobs as toilet paper. Ah, how the times change one's perspective.

  2. Rough-Hewn Homestead
    Rough-Hewn Homestead says:

    My Dad tore an old house down on adjoining property that he and Mom bought. He salvaged enough from it to build a garage and a little play house for me. I was 7 that summer and had mono and was very ill and he wanted to do something thoughtful and loving to cheer me up.
    Dad also ran an old Ford Ranger to work at the coal mines until the bed had a huge rust hole in it. Instead og buying a new truck or paying for a new bed…he built one from wood. I remember feeling proud of him.
    My parents were very thrifty (Mom continues to be…) and I learned a lot from them!
    Thanks for sharing your memories of thrift!

  3. Princess Dumbarton
    Princess Dumbarton says:

    I was born in 1958. Everything in our house was light mint green. The house itself was light mint green. The furniture was light mint green, the walls were light mint green. Same at my school. Everything was painted light mint green.

  4. michelle m
    michelle m says:

    thank you for your memories! my grandma didn't put flowers around her house… she put her favorite garden plants. tomatoes, green bean, etc. there business was hooked on to their house so she made sure she could water those without leaving the house area. grandma also made clothing out of 2nd hand clothing. beautiful. clothing. they had a second hand store. i used to play up on the piles of mattresses until i fell in between them. my grandma was sure i had sufficated. grandpa had to get up and move over 15 matresses to get me out. they were 15 mattresses high . grandma cried while i got a whipin. i understood later that i had scared them. i still climbed those mattresses but never tried to go from one pile to the other pile again.


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