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Today I’m sharing what I bought at the grocery store and how much each item cost. What can you expect on this channel?

42 replies
  1. Sarah B
    Sarah B says:

    Kate I'm five years older than you never had braces although dentist said I should have !! My bottom row are crooked but when I smile in photos the top hides the bottom !! Im always admiring your teeth don't mind the nasty comments it says more about them.. you are such an inspiration ..

  2. Charlette Przybylski
    Charlette Przybylski says:

    I admit the ads can be irritating at times, but knowing watched ads mean income for the content creators, who may spend more hours creating and editing videos than I can imagine, I try to watch them. I do like the ones that are only 15 seconds.

  3. patty dick
    patty dick says:

    I use the PBfit peanut butter that I purchse at Costco. It only has 2g of fat and 70 calories for 2 tbsp. Best of all, I can eat a pretty good amount. Mmmmm

  4. Sage Nozko
    Sage Nozko says:

    8 days before your period there is a hormone that our body produces that makes you hungrier. Make sure to eat very clean during this time. Fight the urge to eat before 10am and it will pass! Good job. I love my coffee dark roasted and black

  5. Teresa Clark
    Teresa Clark says:

    Regarding Buns being hungry all the time and weight loss, same thing happened to my older kitty Spike. Last week the vet ran some lab work blood tests and told us Spike has hyperthyroidism. Seems it’s common in older cats. Symptoms include weight loss, hunger, puking etc. Fortunately, it’s treatable. Just a heads up.

  6. Teresa Teresa
    Teresa Teresa says:

    Many people rinse it but the people in the know say it’s not necessary to rinse chicken and you actually do yourself a disservice by cleaning it – bacteria spreads all over you sink.
    Cooking chicken gets rid of bacteria so no need to wash it.

  7. Kellie Girard
    Kellie Girard says:

    I drink Premier Protein Cafe Latte it has 15 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar in the morning and if one isn't enough, I will drink two with a huge glass of cold water

  8. Anna Foster
    Anna Foster says:

    I have 2 cats. One loves dry food. My big boy only eats Fancy Feast Medleys salmon anything. Hard to find. Chewy is now about $24 a case. Last year about $18 a case of 24.

  9. Rosemary Doran
    Rosemary Doran says:

    Just watching afterward. I must have half&half in my coffee. Half&half is lower calorie than many of the coffee creamers. I buy the Hillshire Farms turkey and it is delicious. I have a million of those containers too! You seemingly didn't get a lot for $73 I will agree. However $17 of it was cat food and then you did get a couple of packages of meat as well so if you take those out of the equation I guess it is horrible but definitely prices are going up. As far as the Crock-Pot liners I say go for it girl. There's a balance between your money and your time and your time is worth something. Depending upon what you make in the Crock-Pot you may be able to get away without them. I wouldn't think that just basically boiling chicken breast would make too big of a mess since most crock pots are non-stick on the inside I believe. Anyway you do you!

  10. Melissa T.
    Melissa T. says:

    Keeping whole avocados fresh: place them in a jar with water and put lid on. Keeps them fresh for weeks!

    Opened used avocados: keep the pit, and the other side, and put the avocado together again. Place in a small container with a lid. Will keep it for a couple extra days.

    Thank you as always for your videos! Keeps my family on track budget-wise! 😘

  11. Linda Nichols
    Linda Nichols says:

    Hi Kate, There is a good book called "Rhinoceros Success" by Scott Alexander which relates to having a thick skin. It is a positive book about creating success. You are developing a thick skin.

  12. Linda Nichols
    Linda Nichols says:

    Hi Kate, I know what you mean about braces and crooked teeth. I had braces too when I was a teen and lost my lower retainer. Now my lower teeth are crooked. It is harder to clean crooked teeth. My dental hygienist gave me interdenatl brushes to keep my crooked teeth clean. Ignore the trolls I learn a lot from your channel.

  13. Maxine Travis
    Maxine Travis says:

    Hi, oh I missed your live. In UK we don't rinse chicken. Chicken or vegetable stock cubes may be cheaper than canned broth.
    Perhaps get Buns bloods done, my old cat went onto Hills KD (kidney diet) as he'd lost weight.
    Frozen fruit is cheaper than fresh here. For sweetness I like a can of prunes. Have you tried making some fruit, cereal and nut bars for a sweet treat? 😋
    Shopping is getting so expensive, isn't it 😫 😩
    We need the Skippy rap 😆


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