Grilled Volcano Pork – Indonesian-Style Grilled Pork Loin – Food Wishes

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It’s only going to take one taste of this amazingly delicious grilled pork loin to understand the thought process behind me including the word “volcano” in the …

21 replies
  1. Sam Cohen
    Sam Cohen says:

    My wife and I have made many of your dishes and enjoyed them. With barbecuing season starting, I believe we will use this one more than any other. Quick, easy, inexpensive and delicious!

  2. Scott C. Dickinson
    Scott C. Dickinson says:

    I prepared Volcano Pork today. Wonderful. I worked through some issues of my grill dying halfway through so I had to finish it off in the oven. I made the executive decision of adding lime zest to the recipe and in turn I used a little lime zest for garnish as a plated it up.
    I was tormented by allowing all of that leftover marinade go to waste so I brought it to a boil, added some chicken stock and garnished it with some green onions and made it a dipping sauce. Meh.

    To be clear, the pork recipe was fabulous. The idea of using the marinade as a sauce, not so much.

    But after all I am the grand marshal of my parade of what I do with my leftover marinade. 😎

  3. Volcanoman
    Volcanoman says:

    Kind of hilarious that the "Indonesian" dish is pork-based. Like…you know, THAT Indonesia, the most populous Muslim country on Earth one? Yeah. Pork.

    I could see this working on predominantly Hindu Bali…but even there, pork is not a preferred meat type (and many are vegetarians anyway). Still…it looks delicious. And any recipe with "volcano" or "lava" in the name is a surefire way to make me extremely happy. I've saved the video…gonna try it for sure.


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