Greek White Bean Soup in the Instant Pot

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20 replies
  1. multimedia Pcuser
    multimedia Pcuser says:

    Lemony "fasolada" it's very traditional with "selino" also as addon. Celery leafs are closer to "selino". Try to make a topping, "gremolata", of celery leafs, fresh dices of tomato fillets, the juice of the tomatoes, olive oil, roasting garlic purè, fine chopped scallions and lemon juice.

  2. Mohabat khan Malak
    Mohabat khan Malak says:

    Nice recipe, I have always loved beans and they make good meals especially when you want some break from meaty dishes.
    Beans, legumes and cereals have a compound in their skins which hardens when they are let on the shelf for too long and this chemical makes it hard to cook. Also, when you wash them always leave some water and not let the air on the surface of the seeds. The air also makes them form a layer which makes them hard to cook, especially wheat and barley…..Thanks Dimitra.

  3. Nalini Ganguly
    Nalini Ganguly says:

    Soaking beans overnight is the way to go , as a person of Indian origin some kind pulses are a part of our lunch most days so it is ingrained into us to soak them overnight as our moms did. Thank you for another great recipe.

  4. Rina-ti
    Rina-ti says:

    Dear Demetra if you want to cut the time of cooking dry beans of any kind you got to soak them the night before in boil water and put a teaspoon of baking soda.
    This is a tip in my family for many Generation.
    I am from the Middle East Israel.
    you will be surprised how much time cooking you will save without even a pressure cooker.
    Also we add about a half teaspoon fresh ground cinnamon or a stick.
    The Taste is amazing!!
    Especially 4A cold winter day-!❄☔
    Keep up the great recipes.
    We love them and appreciated.
    Thank u.🌹

  5. Alexander Αλέξανδρος Gkamanis
    Alexander Αλέξανδρος Gkamanis says:

    100% on point about the salt at the start.
    1. You could definitely use some vegetable stock that you can make easily at home
    2. Can put some extra concentrated tomato paste just before you finish the sauté
    3. Tomato sause (passata) is better if you dont like the tomato pieces
    4. If you want extra flavour and a bit thicker soup you can add one tablespoon of finely crushed "trahana"
    5. eat it with some salty fish, feta or any other salty delicacy you enjoy and fresh bread
    I love it. Thank you!!!


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