GRANNY WOULD BE PROUD! Fried Pork Chops on the New Weber Griddle – Country Fried Pork Chops Recipe

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Growing up my granny always made country fried pork chops, so this Fried Pork Chops on the griddle video is dedicated to her.

31 replies
  1. BAT 13
    BAT 13 says:

    Absolutely a great cook! My Mom used to make this too, man I miss those times for sure! Thanks for taking a step back in time Neal. Cheers brother 🍻

  2. LumberjackPa
    LumberjackPa says:

    Absolutely wonderful recipe! I love skin on mashed potatoes and peas mixed. Add to that country fried pork chops and gravy……now that's my last meal! Banging eats right there and thanks so much for sharing.

  3. WingNut
    WingNut says:

    Thick cut chops are for grillin' … these are perfect for shallow fry, the wife makes them for me with mashed potatoes and green beans… one of my favorites!!

  4. Jake Spencer
    Jake Spencer says:

    If only I ate fried🤤🤤😮‍💨. Dude that looks delicious! I save all my heavies for gumbo, jambalaya, and sauce piquant but that looks phenomenal!

  5. OldeToga1
    OldeToga1 says:

    NICE! Growing up, mom would make something similar, but she would ALWAYS cook the pork 'til it was dry. And the only way I could eat peas was smothered in mashed potatoes. You've brought back some memories with this one! Thank you for sharing!

  6. Preacher 113
    Preacher 113 says:

    Personally i like the chunks and I like the skins thats where the good stuff is but but old lady likes neither so i use a tater ricer and theres no chunks lol but those look delicious lol

  7. Joe Robbins
    Joe Robbins says:

    I make this on occasion but never considered making it on the Blackstone. I just got mine, so I'm still a rookie. But all of my cooks so far have been very good. Love the Blackstone griddle!!

  8. TrueBlue22
    TrueBlue22 says:

    My mom would make seasoned cubed steak with mushroom gravy that she pan fried in her iron skillet and then placed in a casserole dish, covered with her mushroom gravy. Foil the top and place in the oven at 325° for 2 hours. Served it with a side of homemade Buttermilk Waffles and maple syrup. It was the bomb. Great video. Nothing better than childhood memories. ❤

  9. TexasMomma7
    TexasMomma7 says:

    "The money shot" and your talking about food bringing back memories…… I love you, Neeno! Will you make MeeMaw's Yakosoba in a video soon? PLEASE!?! Also the baked cheese chicken with butter noodles? I've tried my best to recreate that one, but I refuse to ask for the exact recipe from you know who, lol!

  10. ALAN S
    ALAN S says:

    Had a brain cell go through watching this, do you think you could do a thick cut chop on the smoker? Maybe treat it like a tiny roast? I would like to see that.

  11. Larry Garot
    Larry Garot says:

    You did it again. Now I've got to go to Kroger again.

    Seriously…Great lookin' meal…except we don't do peas. But heh…

    You have one for Salisbury steak with the trimmings on the griddle?

  12. Raymond Weiss
    Raymond Weiss says:

    When I plan to leave the skin on my mashed potatoes I like to smoke the potatoes, so usually when I'm doing a fairly long smoke of something else. Poke the potatoes, oil them up add salt. Smoke until done at 225-250, the skins really hold onto the smoke, and you can double down with some smoked cheese in it. Man, those are good. I dream about those mashed potatoes sometimes.

  13. Josh Latch
    Josh Latch says:

    This brings back so many memories! This is still one of my all time favorite meals! All the way down to the buttered white bread. Great video! Loved the ahhh in the background waiting for her bite!😂

  14. mike delacruz
    mike delacruz says:

    Love me some country fried chops as well as chicken fried steak 🤌🏼😋👌! Looks 🔥🔥🔥🔥 my guy! Lol I was thinking the same thing, portion for 1 🤣. That’s comfort food 101 folks, excellent cook brother. Cheers Y’all 👊🏼😎🤙🏼

  15. Curt Dunlap
    Curt Dunlap says:

    That's kinda like a chicken-fried steak but with a pokechop! I had to laugh about your mashed potato – skin-n-all! I like 'em that way (cuz I'm lazy), but my wife is texture-sensative (as I call it) so she peels them! I like tater skins and gravy too! I'll admit, I never would have put peas and shrooms together!

  16. Paul Psathas
    Paul Psathas says:

    I can't say enough about this one bro!! Food looks epic as always, perfect crust, mash, and that gravy!!! But the way you stacked up the bite with the mash and gravy holding those peas in place is exactly how we do it in our family and your dad and granny knew what was up with that bread on the side cuz you I know I wrapped it all up in that bread and made a sandwich lol!!! One of the best man!!!


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