Gordon Ramsay’s Spicy Fried Rice Recipe from Indonesia

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Gordon was in Indonesia earlier this year and while he was there learned how to make Nasi goreng. A staple of Take Out/Take …

28 replies
  1. Brit D
    Brit D says:

    Watching him cook is like watching a magician work magic. I’d love to taste his food and cook along side him one day. That’s a huge fantasy of mine.

  2. Carlos Lauterbach
    Carlos Lauterbach says:

    I was curious about the type rice he used so I asked ChatGPT3.0 about it.

    "The rice that is only grown in West Sumatra and is suitable for fried rice is called "Lumbung Rice" or "Nasi Lumbung" in Indonesian. Lumbung Rice is a local specialty in West Sumatra, Indonesia, particularly in the Minangkabau region.

    Lumbung Rice is known for its unique texture and taste, making it ideal for preparing traditional Indonesian fried rice dishes such as "Nasi Goreng Padang" or Padang-style fried rice. It has a slightly sticky texture and a distinct nutty flavor that adds depth to the fried rice dish.

    In West Sumatra, Lumbung Rice is highly valued for its quality and is an essential ingredient in many local dishes. It is often used in traditional Minangkabau recipes and is considered a regional culinary treasure.

    Keep in mind that if you are not in West Sumatra, it may be challenging to find Lumbung Rice outside of the region. However, you can try using other types of sticky or medium-grain rice as a substitute for a similar texture and taste when making Indonesian-style fried rice at home."

    If there's anything to add or to correct then please let me know.

  3. Ava
    Ava says:

    I made it, and it is so extremely descusting! Worst fried rice I have ever had I served it to my family and they all agree Descusting!! 🤢

  4. conishkee
    conishkee says:

    6/28/23: Samba, rendang, if that's the way you spell it, but all I want is something simple without all the fancy brou-ha-ha that Gordon sometimes brings to the table. I love his style of cooking, and what he produces, but he's not a chef I'd follow to cook a meal. I'd have to go shopping to buy stuff I don't usually have on hand in my fridge/pantry. He's too complex and intense for me, and that's not a bad thing, just not for me. I like him, though.


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