Gordon Ramsay Shows How To Make A Lamb Chop Dish At Home | Ramsay in 10

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Gordon went live on Saturday on from his home to show the world how easy it is cook lamb from home with just a few ingredients as we all #StayHome. Gordon …

47 replies
  1. Lindsey
    Lindsey says:

    He said medium rare is like taking your pulse, but when I go to my wrist I feel straight up bone…..I guess it’s not for someone with eating disorder

  2. miguel barajas
    miguel barajas says:

    Where's the lamp sauce lol it's obviously his daughters are joking with him messing with him because gordon is super picky on the show they want him to feel like the other chefs on the show when they make mistakes or get called donkey lol honestly Gordon is good father a gold cook and a good sport about the comments he knows he knows his the best chef lol

  3. Ivo Pavlov
    Ivo Pavlov says:

    Ramsey cooks like a man that has never had to clean after himself!

    Also, 10 min but all the ingredients are ready and prepped – and he still forgot some and needed more time…LOL

    But the best part is his entire family roasting him going to show that no matter who you are, you're never safe from teenagers! 😀 😀 😀
    Awesome video!

  4. jvzzle
    jvzzle says:

    No disrespect, I know it's friendly banter but Gordon's kids (excluding Oscar obviously) annoy me. If I had a famous world chef with immaculate cooking skills I would be so grateful and not bother him every 5 seconds, but hey what do I know? I grew up without a father.

  5. Robert Corbell
    Robert Corbell says:

    I get the feeling his kids will only have to mess up really bad only once, then after getting the same tongue-lashing as the idiot employees on TV will never misbehave again.


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