Goodwill Haul: Giant Unicorn, Kitchenware and More – How to Create a Sustainable Home on a Budget

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Taking a much needed mom break for a little shopping! Come hang out with me and see what goodies there are in my local …

39 replies

    Love Goodwill! I collect camels as well. They're just cute….The best thing I ever found thrifting was a vintage tea set, teapot, creamer, sugar dish, cups, saucers and cake plates for about $40. It's from one of the Noritake potteries, pre WWII. It's the same style as my good china, but a different pattern. The bread tube is for baking bread in a fancy shape for tea sandwiches.

  2. kc
    kc says:

    You don't have to be a kid to do the school books I go to Sam's Club and buy the comprehension books that had the math reading and writing in them to help me so I can work on getting my GED

  3. Susie
    Susie says:

    you did great …love your videos …we call thrift shops shops ….yours is huge but I love going to ours n seeing what I pick up …I usually get my handbags n purses n see what else I need …🍁🍁

  4. Helen Morgan
    Helen Morgan says:

    Great haul, at my stage in life I'm taking more to Goodwill than I'm buying but I made good use of them when we had kidletts and my daughter buys all her cloths there, I taught her well 😂🤣

  5. Brittany Bower
    Brittany Bower says:

    I have a two crested geckos. They are great first pets and pretty easy to take care of! As long as you do all the good research you should do when you get a pet they are awesome! Love the video!

  6. Karen Ligus
    Karen Ligus says:

    I love GoodWill shopping! You found some nice things. As far as snakes go, my so came back home for a bit with his Albino California King snake, swore it couldn't get out of its aquarium…lie! My daughter had to find it and return it to its home twice. I freaked out. It escaped a third time and we never found it. Forward a year later, I found a shed snake skin next to my furnace, it was still alive somewhere in the house!! It may come through my ceiling one day, who knows. I do not recommend a snake!! Good luck!

  7. sunshine merlot
    sunshine merlot says:

    I love our Goodwill here. In fact, I went there today. I have found some really good stuff there. There are a lot more name brands and new things there than a lot of people think. I do think they are getting a lot pricier lately especially clothes. The one thing that isn't a bargain, in opinion, are books. I think most people can find a lot better books that are a lot less expensive at library book sales so quite often if I see a book that I like, I will take a picture of it and then get it at the library book sales. This saves me about $2 to $3 and if you are like me and buy a lot books, that savings adds up. Lastly, I have the same green cup that you bought and yes, I did buy it at Goodwill. 🙂 Thanks for the video!

  8. karbear26
    karbear26 says:

    I love goodwill!! I found a Michael Kors calf length (ankle length for me I’m short) quilted winter coat for $14.99 last year that had a rip under the armpit! It’s a $200 or more coat and my mother-in-law fixed it for me keeps me nice and warm at the bus stop with my daughter! When my daughter was into American girl dolls I found great deals on the our generation dolls and accessories! I also find great deals on school supplies there! The brain quest books are really good! I would get your son a frog to start out with! Lizards require heat and uv lamps!

  9. catherine barlow
    catherine barlow says:

    Thank you taking us round goodwill with you, no you didn't go fast with your camera you was fine some people l watch on other channels go way to fast you can't see wot they are looking at make me feel sick

  10. Nancy Imbleau
    Nancy Imbleau says:

    I don't shop at the Goodwill much anymore I shop at a thrift store with the name of Retails thriftstore they support the humane society I love supporting the animals and they are really affordable I have bought my coffee maker a over 100.00 airfryer that was less then 30.00 in brand new shape I also bought my rice cooker a medium sized one brand name. my crock pot electric skillet, ect.

  11. cami salyer
    cami salyer says:

    I find lots of craft stuff at goodwill. I crochet and just found 2 big bags of stuffing for my stuffies. I also find frames for my cross stitch project. I have a ball python and they are low maintenance. Great starter snake.

  12. Christopher Vogt
    Christopher Vogt says:

    Your Goodwill seems to be much cleaner and more organized than the one by me. I think for items that were donated, the prices are too high. Been looking for a round Pyrex casserole dish and no luck. The Goodwill is in a strip mall 2 stores down from the Aldi I go to about 20 minutes away from home. I wouldn't bother going there otherwise. I always feel like I need a shower after going there, it's just that dirty. Lol! Have yet to find something I'd purchase. I'm glad yours is so much better. Nice finds Carolina! 👍

  13. Danielle
    Danielle says:

    HEY CAROLINA>>>>>Do you know the movie..A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT?? It is also a book by Norman Mc Clean (iI think) and guess what…they are in MISSOULA MONTANA< WHERE THE THREE RIVERS MEET INTO ONE< its a beautiful poem , words, imagery, YOULL LOVE IT!! I jusr got to thinking it was Legends of the Fall, and ggoled it and its A RIVER RUNS THROIUGH IT< BOTH I HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND FOR YOUR YOUNG WILDERNESS HEART!~!Did you see those?? Are they before your day?? They are both in Montans….. Im going to put it on when Im done done watching this video again…haha true story…


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