Good & bad days / DITL / VLOG / DECLUTTER TO DOWNSIZE : 23rd – 27th August, 2023

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This vlogs starts with a bad fibro day and ends with a lovely day out with Kevin. In between more decluttering and homemaking …

3 replies
  1. Em
    Em says:

    How was Wicked? I hope you enjoyed it again. I haven't been to Star (it was star casino when I went) since my 21st birthday. My best friend used to work at the casino, so we would go and hang out there to wait til he was finished his shift so we could go out in the city. Good times. It looks so different from the footage you showed!
    I am so excited for you and Kevin – going to Alaska. I am totally jealous – if you need a travel buddy, let me know and I will gladly tag along. haha. Hope you are feeling much better.

  2. Rose
    Rose says:

    Libby I'm sorry you're having a hard time.
    Sending you healing energy and hugs.💜🙏🤗
    I get so annoyed at myself that I can't do all the things I love to do.
    I need a knee replacement too and my arthritis is bad so I have trouble walking.
    This has to be one horrible illnesses to have,
    being in pain 24/7 is so difficult to deal with.
    But it's all the other things that come along with fibromialga.
    Extreme fatigue muscle weakness, excessive sweating and forgetfulness that also make it awful.
    I hope you feel better much love to you 🥰🤗


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