Gloomy Sunday. Chicken hearts.

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Clearing out the freezer and using up expired stuff, as usual.

26 replies
  1. Linda Gilmore
    Linda Gilmore says:

    Also, there is another Andrew Tate in the United States who has a few podcasts. The most popular one is Let’s not meet. It’s a creepy, amazing podcast about strange meetings of people. He hates being confused with the other AT.

  2. Leigh McCauley
    Leigh McCauley says:

    I had a lot of the same problems. For the stomach I got it under control doing the gaps diet. I think that part of it was my shitty diet and some of it was anxiety. I take THC oil for the anxiety

  3. Diana L
    Diana L says:

    Hi June, sorry to hear you are not sleeping well at all. Have you tried listening to rain/thunder sounds, or one of my favourites is listening to Ludovico Einaudi's music. So calming for me. Either that or read a very boring book 🙂

  4. Darcie Wall
    Darcie Wall says:

    I feel you, I take gummies for my insomnia. Also, sometimes my hubby drinks a half cup of Kiefer before bed. I've tried it and it does seem to work. I hate how melatonin effects me the next day, its like I can't wake up at all.

  5. Jae Lynn
    Jae Lynn says:

    If you know you have low B12, and you can't absorb it from food, then you need to give yourself shots. I have to do that. If you don't, your nerves will die, you will end up anemic and have a host of other problems!

  6. betty clark
    betty clark says:

    Hi June, I think you are right about your stomach. However, drinking aloe in the morning is great for that. All you need is a teaspoon of the gel and 4oz of water for a week and see how you feel. And up it to 2 teaspoons for another week. And see how you feel. It's a natural medicine that will only help and not hurt you. Take care honey and you keep doing you. You are great💗

  7. Kendra Rose Montagna
    Kendra Rose Montagna says:

    I disagree June. You are an authentic human wanting to have friends who accept you as is, not red flag! Because im no creeper!! Just authentic human who feels odd in the city of la because fakey people who live more in ego, thats not real.


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