Getting ready for RV unplugged | What to eat on Keto while dry camping | Keto Grocery Haul

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Keto Chow: (automatically gives you 10% off) RVunplugged website: …

25 replies
  1. @roxannebudd1978
    @roxannebudd1978 says:

    Meat! Wish I could eat these packaged meat things or even Keto Chow, but there is something in them that don’t agree with my gut.😢 I hope to heal my gut enough one day and get to where I can have these as a treat here and there. Can’t wait to watch this show!

  2. @synergyb3926
    @synergyb3926 says:

    I’m excited for you & how am I not going to go krazy waiting to see the show?!? Lol

    Joe, I understand exactly what you mean about not being comfortable eating in front of strangers. I am that way, too.

  3. @kimgrenon1125
    @kimgrenon1125 says:

    I have a question on the meat thins. You had mentioned in another video that you got some at Costco. I tried looking for the “steakumms” but couldn’t find them. Where in Costco should I be looking for them, in the meat department, or the freezer section or in another area?

  4. @Moderationisamyth
    @Moderationisamyth says:

    Hey guys! I can't believe you guys are doing videos AND RVUnplugged at the same time (even prerecorded, you guys rock)! I posted my first meal prep video featuring you guys I know it's a bit rough. But I was looking at a couple of your videos when you first started and I'm hoping you'll understand. Yes, it's a bit rough and one of my two cameras pooped out on me. But I want to keep on keeping on. I can't thank you enough for your receipts that helps people like me and my husband winning the fight against diabetes. Looking forward to seeing you both at the winner's circle!😀

  5. @sandieweatherup
    @sandieweatherup says:

    I've learned a lot from you. Keto Chow, Keto Brick, eggs, bacon and meat thins. Working up nerve to try carnivore bars.
    Btw cleaning dehydrator racks after making meat thins is the pits. I let them cool, scrape off the fat (to reuse) and attempt to wash in my kitchen sink. They're just kinda big for my double sided sink. I need a farm sink.

  6. @kimlee6970
    @kimlee6970 says:

    Chickens eat meat~ not sure if you guys are aware of that…when they are out in the grass, they’re eating insects, worms etc. My grandpa used to chop up hot dogs and throw the pieces in when the chickens were out eating. It was funny. But, yeah, a lot of people don’t know that. Good luck, guys!

  7. @elangomattab
    @elangomattab says:

    2 Krazy Ketos RV meal prep brought to you by Aldi and Costco, lol. I'm only joking, I know you guys aren't sponsored by them. I think most of the food you packed was from Aldi/Costco though.

    I can't wait to see the RV Unplugged show! I don't have much interest in camping but you can bet on the fact I'll watch the show when two friends are on the show!


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