Full Lethality Yorick Makes Diamond Look EASY – League of Legends

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yorick full gameplay commentary with full lethality vs garen, forgot to build collector that wouldve been nice for this 🙁 my twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/okrykey my …

24 replies
  1. Krykey
    Krykey says:

    Although I do say full lethality yorick is not preferable for consistent climbing I have come to a realisation that people are going to be desperate for elo since the season is coming to an end so im going to strategise a build and playstyle that will be able to squeeze out some lp (iron-dia) ill try release it this week since the season will be ending very soon

  2. Mathew Henn
    Mathew Henn says:

    Ah I haven't seen your videos in awhile, glad you're still strolling along. Your style has helped me slow down and had a few people ask me when Yorick got good based on my performance with Yorick. Lethality is super troll, but those big Qs are so satisfying 😛

  3. Elackid
    Elackid says:

    Wow this build was really really fun. I took omnivamp and legend bloodline so I could teamfight a bit better and it was the most fun I've had in a while with Yorick.

    Looking forward to playing it more

  4. ferumbras16
    ferumbras16 says:

    I just saw your nick Krykey. I laughed a lot. Actually I'm beginner Yorick main player on tren, but it's not 1g daily but rather 300mg weekly XD Honestly, love your content.


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