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Hi friends! In this video we do a full day of eating right after I had a gut flare up. It WAS a rest day and I’m intuitively or mindfully …

7 replies
  1. Adam W.
    Adam W. says:

    There's been a lot of updated research on HDL and LDL, and while HDL is commonly called "Good" cholesterol, it actually does not have a direct impact on heart risk outcomes in randomized trials. When people are put on HDL drug (which raise it), their health outcomes do not improve. LDL, on the other hand, is shown to be an independent risk factor for heart disease, which is why it remains the primary therapeutic target lowering CVD risk overall. HDL, it turns out, is more of an indicator of general physical health than it is a mechanism to control heart health. The best course of action is simply focus on lowering LDL by reducing saturate fat and, if you happen to have family issues, lower dietary cholesterol from things like eggs and red meat especially.

  2. Lauren H
    Lauren H says:

    Uh.. thyroid hormones are produced in the thyroid which is controlled by the pituitary gland so not sure what you meant when you said they are produced in the gut.

  3. Johanna Orth
    Johanna Orth says:

    Gut health is so so important! I am sure you got this boo☺️
    Just be careful with overinterpreating stuff, it’s very trendy right now and from physical therapy I know that whenever you are looking for sth pathological in a human you WILL find sth, cause we are human😅
    Feeling over lab results🫶🏼

  4. Moflyz
    Moflyz says:

    I’ve been having gut issues myself and highly recommend looking into anti-nutrients in plant food! I know it goes against the plant-based narrative these days but eliminating anti-nutrients can drastically improve gut health and especially helpful for improving autoimmune conditions


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