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Full day of eating ketovore dairy free and day in the life vlog. Featuring a pork rib recipe with a dry rub. This month I am eating no dairy meat based keto. This is …

42 replies
  1. amsmit20
    amsmit20 says:

    I love country style pork ribs! Theyโ€™re so delicious made in the instant pot; they come out fall apart tender.
    Also, I loooove the brisket Carnivore Crisps. Fatty, salty and delicious.

  2. Rita Brunton
    Rita Brunton says:

    So just to make sure you are actually eating the fat with the meat? Not cutting any of it off from sides and putting aside?You are eating?? Seriously I get eating fatty meat but I thought it was like what's inside you cant take off. I thought if you see fat you still cut it off? The fat side like in sausage or steak. But not fat that can be cut away. So confused.

  3. Stacie Issakainen
    Stacie Issakainen says:

    Thank you so much for the rib recipe idea! I made it last night- bought the exact same cuts from Walmart, made your rub, and popped them in our smoker at 250 for 90 minutes. So quick and easy and they were SO delicious!!

  4. Annette Zielinski
    Annette Zielinski says:

    Love the country ribs. The price is right too. I can't always get them, but grab them when I see them. Like a well marbled pork chop. Love your family! So beautiful! Love and blessings always!

  5. David Salvador
    David Salvador says:

    Neisha, unlike most actual meal replacement powders (Soylent, Huel, Ample, Ketochow, etc.) Protein powders are meant to be consumed soon after mixing. The act of putting water in them affects the amino acids and even if refrigerated they should be taken within few hours, not days. Just a friendly tip, tons of information on the subject to research if interested

  6. Patricia Oskui
    Patricia Oskui says:

    I'm about to make this tonight! I went to Kroger but they didn't have it so I went to Walmart and got 2 packs! I'm doubling the recipe like u suggested and I'm using my golden lakanto monkfruit. Omg I can't wait. Thanks sooo much for all you and Dr. Berry do for us all๐Ÿ’–


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