FULL DAY IN THE KITCHEN with a Mom of 9 **cook from scratch**

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33 replies
  1. Sandra Maughan
    Sandra Maughan says:

    You did an awesome job! So fun when the kids get so excited to pick what is ready in the garden, I wish I would have known about the refrigerator cucumbers when I was putting up pickles. I did sweet pickles and my husband’s favorite was mustard pickles. Your such a great example for your children. !i’m grateful that you had a date night with Jason. Popsicles look delicious, I’ll have to try them, I have the molds. Thanks for sharing! ♥️♥️♥️

  2. Stephanie Seegmiller
    Stephanie Seegmiller says:

    All in a day’s work!!! I am SO impressed with all the neat things you made throughout the day. I’d love to develop my skills to the point where all those foods are just part of our daily life. Thanks for the inspiration! I don’t know how you keep it all up—and I only have 7 kiddos!!!

  3. Brenda Gervais
    Brenda Gervais says:

    Such a wonderful video. Love the joy the kiddos have collecting goodies from the garden. As a great gramma I actually made refrigerator dill pickles for the first time and they turned out lovely so will def do that again.
    Your daughter looks so pleased with her bouquet she picked, they are very pretty
    So trying to talk myself into sourdough bread making. I have yeast bread down pat but sourdough kind of un nerves me but love it.
    So enjoy when I see a video up from yous- makes my day.
    Again thank you so much for the share. Baby bump is looking sweet on you Julie. Enjoy!!

  4. Utonia Raaf
    Utonia Raaf says:

    Omg, one year I had so many cucumbers, I made not only dill but bread n butter, sweet pickles, cinnamon, green spearmint, then made so many relishes like for hot dogs, freezer relish, you name it, I made it! LoL Have you ever made cream cheese with your cream?

  5. Karen Ladwig
    Karen Ladwig says:

    Those refrigerator pickles sure bring memories for me. They were so good. Its great your children like veggies. Ares did not but they did not come fresh out of the garden.

  6. Kelly U
    Kelly U says:

    Those precious popsicle faces! 😊 catching up on all your videos after a break from social media! CONGRATULATIONS on the baby to come!! 🥰🍼 If it’s a girl I vote on Eden!! 💕🍼

  7. Mary Jo Williamson
    Mary Jo Williamson says:

    I’ve wondered if you ever worry about the children being barefoot and all the animals excrement on the ground getting all over their feet? Does it ever cause infection should they have any open sores on their feet? Does Benjamin ever put any in his mouth when he is crawling on the ground?

  8. The Ruck Farm
    The Ruck Farm says:

    Those popsicles look divine! I have that exact mold—but mine came with a top that holds the sticks upright. I haven’t used it lately because the top was lost. Now I feel silly for not realizing I could just wait until the popsicles were partially frozen to insert the sticks 🙈 Thanks for sharing! Love the belly! 🤰


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