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47 replies
  1. secretheiress
    secretheiress says:

    Totally here for the Reya takeover! 😂 and I know which lady she's talking about on TikTok, she makes these salmon bowls… then my 18yo daughter is talking about her couple weeks later. She wants to make them, but I told her they look like dog food 😂

  2. Noemi Flores
    Noemi Flores says:

    I’d love to hear more about the rice crispy treats. I’ve heard of people eating gummy bears as well. Is it bc of the carbs? Shoot I’d get my butt in the gym for a rice crispy treat too.

  3. Rebekah Davis
    Rebekah Davis says:

    Cutest family! I’m going to have a third girl this October so I especially love watching your family of three girls all so special and amazing like their mama and daddy! Thank you for sharing because I know it’s not an easy decision to do so but they are some great kids! And I just love your drive Danielle, you are a hot mamasita kicking ass and taking names and I hope I can do the same when this baby comes out! You motivate me!

  4. Christine Giguere
    Christine Giguere says:

    Love your videos and your girls are awesome! Really enjoy when you include your family in your videos it really helps solidify that this is the real you and that you are making content for yourself and not doing it just to make others happy. I like watching people who are being real and authentic and that is you!👍 and you always give me great ideas!👍😁❤️

  5. Laura Gibson
    Laura Gibson says:

    Aww you baby girls are so beautiful and smart just like you my son is the some way so smart i only have one son 21 thank you so much for sharing your family with us love you friend 💘 💘 💘 💘 💘 hugssss

  6. The Sleeved Nana
    The Sleeved Nana says:

    I'm obsessed with your channel. But not in the weird stalker kinda way 🤣 I love your vibe and your content! I am going back to your first video and watching your entire journey!

  7. Carolyn Shane
    Carolyn Shane says:

    No diet. It’s a lifestyle choice! 👏🏻👏🏻 love it! Also something some people need a reminder of is that people’s lifestyle choices can change over time 😉 and that’s okay!! 👍🏻

  8. Kerry D
    Kerry D says:

    Seriously Danielle- Coming from an adult(few years older than yourself), and someone whose mother constantly told me what I should and shouldn’t eat, that I was fat, getting fat, etc., YOU are an amazing mother and role model. Every little girl should be so lucky! REAL TALK!0

  9. kristin bailey
    kristin bailey says:

    Lmao it’s 5 am and my kids are sleeping! I can relate so much! Reya explains things very well.

    I love that second picture for the hair! Your gonna look stunning no matter what!

  10. Pretti Pati
    Pretti Pati says:

    I am a 27 year old and I don’t know how old your daughter is but she sounds so smart and I idolize her, totally wish I understood what she was talking about when she was talking about the solar system? Lmao super cool girl! I’ll check out Bert’s stand up, I’ve been on a stand up kick lately lmao if she hasn’t watch Nate Bergatze, bill burr, the intolerable stand up, forget his name lol, really good stand ups!

  11. Yvette Bennett
    Yvette Bennett says:

    Oh my goodness. I really look forward to you fitness blogs. They are my favorite.
    Childhood memories are golden. I was singing the Working At The Carwash disco song while you were driving through the carwash. Brought so many wonderful childhood memories to my mind.
    Your daughter is going to have her own channel someday. She sounds like you. Your girls made me smile. 🥰
    Daniela you are beautiful too.

  12. Cheryl Land
    Cheryl Land says:

    OMG-I loved the Kraft Spaghetti growing up. Mom worked and it was my job to start making sides for dinner when she was on her way home (I think I was 12) and the spaghetti was one thing I made-felt so grownup.

  13. Joy80
    Joy80 says:

    So enjoyed Sofia talking. She is smart & cute. Your little girl Rebecca is sooooo adorable in the background. Love you incorporating the kids…so fun. Meals look delish as always.

  14. Daniela Diaries
    Daniela Diaries says:

    Thank you guys for always being so kind and amazing to my family! You all have seen the girls grow and we consider you all family. Our Sofia is still shy but definitely coming out of her shell. EDIT: this should go without saying but If you feel the need to talk about my kids, leave your address so I can find you and explain why that it’s in poor taste to do so. K, thanks


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